Don't feel bad about it...a lot of managed care accounts have had concerns from day 1, Everyone is looking for an edge...we will get the managed care coverage in due time..
Don't feel bad about it...a lot of managed care accounts have had concerns from day 1, Everyone is looking for an edge...we will get the managed care coverage in due time..
I wish we had this product now...I hate selling Zipsor
But how is Lysteda doing? Does anyone know?
Lysteda only has Tier 3 covreage, which means nothing in heavily managed care states, where most of patients have only Tier 2 coverage or Tier 3 plans that have high prescription deductibles. What that means is that in most cases, patients have to pay $175.00 for 30 pills. They would rather spend 40.00 on tampons and pads, or a $10.00 co-pay for generic BC pills. But make sure that you take a picture of a doctor writing a script???What a total joke...
sounds like your one of those complainers that cant sell,,,,,,
making all the typical excuses, aren't you guys on a hiring freeze??
Well one thing was proven and that is Valentino got lucky with his past success and he failed big time with Xanodyne. His success was simply due to being at the right place at the right time. When given the Xano opportunity, he failed big time. Docherty failed as well. Too bad for him that he has never had a lucky success like fat boy because he will never amount to anything.