Lybalvi Quota

This is a joke. We should all just quit. A big slap in the face and Keith you just helped me decide to take this interview on Monday.

Clearly they don’t want to pay us smh

Screw you Keith and Todd

We were top performers in Q4. Our goals more than doubled! I promised myself, one more unattainable quota increase and I’m out. We work too hard to be treated this way. And the annual raises are a joke. I guess in our industry you have to change companies to get a decent raise. How sad, I actually liked it here for so long.

It’s not the same company. Much has changed.
Yes it has. Todd is clueless and has a pompous fool as his VP of Marketing and dimwit as his VP of sales. Don't even get me started on the SRDs. And just in time after these ridiculous quotas we get to spend next week with a waste of time NSM. Stick a fork in me