What a few weeks will show:
R & D dept is a shell of it's former self. Everyone quitting.
Lost the "drug" of the future Lung and now being told that it will be investigated in a new delivery system that is revolutionary. If it is so ground breaking, why hasn't it already been in development for Beraprost AND Remodulin?
No communication from above about our futures. Not sure they know, especially Lung mgt.
We keep being told how great things are at this company and the fires around us keep getting higher. People at Enron thought they had a good deal too. Right up to the end when they lost their job and had their retirement. They too were asked to buy company stock.
BUT there is always a silver lining. The Lung Operations manager resigned.
R & D dept is a shell of it's former self. Everyone quitting.
Lost the "drug" of the future Lung and now being told that it will be investigated in a new delivery system that is revolutionary. If it is so ground breaking, why hasn't it already been in development for Beraprost AND Remodulin?
No communication from above about our futures. Not sure they know, especially Lung mgt.
We keep being told how great things are at this company and the fires around us keep getting higher. People at Enron thought they had a good deal too. Right up to the end when they lost their job and had their retirement. They too were asked to buy company stock.
BUT there is always a silver lining. The Lung Operations manager resigned.