lunch sign in sheets


I can't think that I am the only one that hates the lunch sign in sheets. I thought the ones we had a week ago were bad but these are worse. People in the offices don't fill in every space--I'm not sure if they don't know their title or if they are a prescriber or if they are just lazy. They complain about signing--I think it is a small thing to ask for a free lunch. They also don't realize that if the sheet is not properly filled out or they don't sign we don't get paid. The biggest problem is the large offices there are so many people that don't sign. It is disappointing when you have a lunch for 80 people and only 25 signed. No other company has sign in sheets this comprehensive. What Eisai doesn't understand is that this takes time out of selling. I feel that I have to watch that sign in sheet every second and how do I do that when I am suppose to be talking to drs. and staff about my great products. After the lunch I waste time running around getting signatures for people who didn't sign and this will take 1/2 to 1 hour to do. Shouldn't I be traveling to or be in my next office?

Does anyone have any suggestions? I am about to get a neon poster board to hang above the lunch saying if you don't sign (& sign correctly), you don't eat. How well do you think that will go over? Will Eisai see this as being out of compliance because it didn't go through legal?

I think it is time to do a "project" in the legal department every other department in the company got downsized. It is there turn!

The pharma companies also need to stop rolling over to the federal government too. It's time to push back or they will all be out of business.

It is compliance. Did you also identity where the hcp works and the janitor or office manager are not eating the chips or a slice of pizza. I hear they are hiring field auditors soon to ensure you feed the right people.

The only growing departments at AZI are compliance and legal. Come and join us.

Office people don't appreciate the free lunch. If you post a sign "if you don't sign in, you don't eat" you will not be invited back to the office. period!

free lunch is the key to access the offices.

That's why its time to get out of pharma. It's sad.

This is an Eisai policy not a Pharma or OIG policy. For instance the Concur Expense system has built into it a place for you to enter all of the office personnel one time and then simply check off their names when you do your lunch, eliminating the need for a sign in sheet. This method complies with both Pharma Guidelines, OIG, and is Sunshine Act compliant. Nowhere in any of the guidelines does it say you must capture a signature or a printed name. In merely states that you need a way of tracking the spend on your HCP’s. Eisai elects not to use this technology and relies on the sign in sheet. Many companies have moved to this method especially in the more specialized areas.

I caution you in using Eisai or any other Big Pharma as the litmus for this industry. There are still good companies out there who go about their business the right way and treat their employees well. I understand the abuse of Eisai can make you think it is like this everywhere but I assure you it is not…

This is an Eisai policy not a Pharma or OIG policy. For instance the Concur Expense system has built into it a place for you to enter all of the office personnel one time and then simply check off their names when you do your lunch, eliminating the need for a sign in sheet. This method complies with both Pharma Guidelines, OIG, and is Sunshine Act compliant. Nowhere in any of the guidelines does it say you must capture a signature or a printed name. In merely states that you need a way of tracking the spend on your HCP’s. Eisai elects not to use this technology and relies on the sign in sheet. Many companies have moved to this method especially in the more specialized areas.

I caution you in using Eisai or any other Big Pharma as the litmus for this industry. There are still good companies out there who go about their business the right way and treat their employees well. I understand the abuse of Eisai can make you think it is like this everywhere but I assure you it is not…

The enemies of pharma have won! Look what it has come to. Sales reps discussing sign-in sheets and whether it shows industry leadership to use the Gelco recording system or waste time with paper sheets. So you know of any other industry that is going through this kind of humiliation. If I was a doctor I would not attend any rep lunch. If a stock broker or a real estate agent who wants to do business with me as a doctor wants to take me out to lunch they don't have to document every bite I eat. One of theposters says signing in with all the details is not too much to do for a free lunch. If I was a doctor it would be too much for me-the Key messages and vis-aid detail would not be worth it. But then to each his own, maybe others don't mind it.

This is an Eisai policy not a Pharma or OIG policy. For instance the Concur Expense system has built into it a place for you to enter all of the office personnel one time and then simply check off their names when you do your lunch, eliminating the need for a sign in sheet. This method complies with both Pharma Guidelines, OIG, and is Sunshine Act compliant. Nowhere in any of the guidelines does it say you must capture a signature or a printed name. In merely states that you need a way of tracking the spend on your HCP’s. Eisai elects not to use this technology and relies on the sign in sheet. Many companies have moved to this method especially in the more specialized areas.

I caution you in using Eisai or any other Big Pharma as the litmus for this industry. There are still good companies out there who go about their business the right way and treat their employees well. I understand the abuse of Eisai can make you think it is like this everywhere but I assure you it is not…

Yep, have to agree, this is just more gotcha tactics by aysassszzzi to use to fire people. I know quite a few people who were fired over "questionable" sign in sheet and other expense "procedures". do not trust anyone at aysay they all lie.

Did anyone else think that the three pages of instructions emailed to us from our VP was a bit over the top. And seriously..... Only 9 lines for signatures?

Could this possibly be the brainstorm baby of the hours and hours of conference calls between RDs and DMs that prevents them from doing anything actually productive?

This is an Eisai policy not a Pharma or OIG policy. For instance the Concur Expense system has built into it a place for you to enter all of the office personnel one time and then simply check off their names when you do your lunch, eliminating the need for a sign in sheet. This method complies with both Pharma Guidelines, OIG, and is Sunshine Act compliant. Nowhere in any of the guidelines does it say you must capture a signature or a printed name. In merely states that you need a way of tracking the spend on your HCP’s. Eisai elects not to use this technology and relies on the sign in sheet. Many companies have moved to this method especially in the more specialized areas.

I caution you in using Eisai or any other Big Pharma as the litmus for this industry. There are still good companies out there who go about their business the right way and treat their employees well. I understand the abuse of Eisai can make you think it is like this everywhere but I assure you it is not…
Most companies DO NOT use sign in sheets at all! There are only 6 states that actually require them: CT, DC, MA, MN, OR, and VT