Lunch budgets and per person spend limits


What are the spending limits per person for in office lunches especially in nueropsych? I am hearing any were form $15-$40 per person? What is the reality? $15 I guess is more geared toward primary care sales. What is normal in the psychiatry arena? Thx

Anyone spending more than $15 per head in these cattle trough feeding offices ought to be ashamed. All pharma lunches have become such a poor waste of company resources. Just look at the way the office staff fills their plates with no care of what your trying to provide in the way of product information. The only thing they take away from in office meals is a full belly! Such a sense of entitlement we have created.

What are the spending limits per person for in office lunches especially in nueropsych? I am hearing any were form $15-$40 per person? What is the reality? $15 I guess is more geared toward primary care sales. What is normal in the psychiatry arena? Thx

Anywhere from 12-20$ seems inline. If you have too many $40 per head lunches I would imagine you would be questioned why so much so often.

Anyone spending more than $15 per head in these cattle trough feeding offices ought to be ashamed. All pharma lunches have become such a poor waste of company resources. Just look at the way the office staff fills their plates with no care of what your trying to provide in the way of product information. The only thing they take away from in office meals is a full belly! Such a sense of entitlement we have created.
Ashamed? For providing a fucking Olive Garden lunch for someone making $15 an hour. How abt being ashamed for selling a drug for an outrageous price tag and having the us tax payers foot the bill. Fuck off you stupid stupid little person.

I'm using all my EZCater points to get gift cards towards gas just to be able to afford to work here.

For every .10 cents in price drop per gallon I will give this company 1 extra call per day. I am making 4-5 "legitimate calls" a day right now so maybe by next week they'll get 1 more a day out of me. We'll see?

Anyone spending more than $15 per head in these cattle trough feeding offices ought to be ashamed. All pharma lunches have become such a poor waste of company resources. Just look at the way the office staff fills their plates with no care of what your trying to provide in the way of product information. The only thing they take away from in office meals is a full belly! Such a sense of entitlement we have created.
You are spot on my friend. And if the free food is not up to their expectations they complain on top of it!

You lunch nazi’s are walking away from your family free meal plan. I always double up on the order and bring dinner home. Tax free income baby. How else are you going to get back the money you are losing having to drive your personal car?

You lunch nazi’s are walking away from your family free meal plan. I always double up on the order and bring dinner home. Tax free income baby. How else are you going to get back the money you are losing having to drive your personal car?

Is that why I always see so many reps driving around with Yeti coolers in their back seat?