

Of all the options they had for processing the RIF I wonder why RP went ahead and made the announcement before it happened? He may be sincere about not liking the cuts but he did not miss the opportunity to cow the employees. Make them sweat for a couple of weeks. So if you survive this round of layoffs yes it will be good to still have a job but look how you are being manipulated rather than managed. The next time you wonder how some abused spouse stayed in a terrible relationship now you know the answer. When you think there are no options then there are no options

Of all the options they had for processing the RIF I wonder why RP went ahead and made the announcement before it happened? He may be sincere about not liking the cuts but he did not miss the opportunity to cow the employees. Make them sweat for a couple of weeks. So if you survive this round of layoffs yes it will be good to still have a job but look how you are being manipulated rather than managed. The next time you wonder how some abused spouse stayed in a terrible relationship now you know the answer. When you think there are no options then there are no options

Well said. The way they went about it was most unkind and unproductive. Why is it that RP and management does not seem to be accountable for anything? Including effectively leading the organizations they are the leaders of??

Well said. The way they went about it was most unkind and unproductive. Why is it that RP and management does not seem to be accountable for anything? Including effectively leading the organizations they are the leaders of??

We were at one of those stupid workshops one time. It was held because our big boss had gotten really panned on the big survey (forget what it was called.) At one point, someone in the group asked the moderator whether we were going to talk about leadership or management.

The moderator answered "We are not going to go there."

Make no mistake. Kevin, Roger, and all their cronies are managers, all be it high level, not leaders. They may be seen as leaders by their yes men lackeys, but they are just poor managers.

We were at one of those stupid workshops one time. It was held because our big boss had gotten really panned on the big survey (forget what it was called.) At one point, someone in the group asked the moderator whether we were going to talk about leadership or management.

The moderator answered "We are not going to go there."

Make no mistake. Kevin, Roger, and all their cronies are managers, all be it high level, not leaders. They may be seen as leaders by their yes men lackeys, but they are just poor managers.

what happened to the One Amgen initiative?