LP training


Lots of messages on this board! Bottom line, isn't LP the trainer the common thread??? She never sold the test(Frank sold it for her), she was "CLOSE" with PS! Now kisses PH and and HD ass! Yet she never teaches anyone anything!!!! Brings MK in to train???? When is someone going to realize this! She is the root to all evil!!! Wake up LS!!

You spineless, worthless pieces of shit need to get a life and go find another job. The fact that you have nothing better to do then sit on your fat asses all day and post hateful, ridiculous comments about individuals speaks to your lack of integrity and intelligence. Please find something more productive to do with your time. How bout you do us all a favor and quit? Quit your bitchin, quit your long list if excuses as to why you're not successful here, and just Fucking quit. You're Dead Weight to our organization. We don't need you, and we sure don't want you.

You spineless, worthless pieces of shit need to get a life and go find another job. The fact that you have nothing better to do then sit on your fat asses all day and post hateful, ridiculous comments about individuals speaks to your lack of integrity and intelligence. Please find something more productive to do with your time. How bout you do us all a favor and quit? Quit your bitchin, quit your long list if excuses as to why you're not successful here, and just Fucking quit. You're Dead Weight to our organization. We don't need you, and we sure don't want you.

I find it ironic that you have such an angry response to people speaking their mind about idiotic policies they see leading their livlihood down the drain. On the contrary it would be more disturbing if they just sat there and let this madness go on without voicing concern. $3 stock prices should concern the employees. Their stock options are totally worthless thanks to this leadership! If you are upset cause they are talking about LP then that is simply reaping what she has sewn. The difference is that when people talk about you on this site it doesn't mean anything. Contrast that when LP talks about you, then HR calls your boss to correct your attitude or your name lands on a list of people who aren't "team players" and have to go. Those poor souls have their careers ruined. So now it is your turn. Quit your bitching and quit your job if you don't like it! Stop sitting on your fat ass and complaining about people voicing their frustration on this site to the back room deals and backstabbing that LP and her ilk have undertaken to help ruin this place. People here are rightfully saying the training blows and doesn't reflect reality. Reach and frequency are the ideas and training of people who don't sell this and are clueless. People have a right to express that. Sadly they have to do it in a forum because LP will get them reprimanded or fired if they speak up in public.

The above poster is completely right. The training "department" is a failure and the fact that there has been absolutely nothing done to correct it, proves that the leadership is clueless and wants this company to fail. It amazes me how everyone sees what she has done to this sales force, yet she still has a job. It makes me wonder what the real agenda is. Way too many examples of her inadequacies to list...guess she has all of the right people in her pocket. Wake up! How many people have to leave to show the board we are in an accelerating downward spiral?

The above poster is completely right. The training "department" is a failure and the fact that there has been absolutely nothing done to correct it, proves that the leadership is clueless and wants this company to fail. It amazes me how everyone sees what she has done to this sales force, yet she still has a job. It makes me wonder what the real agenda is. Way too many examples of her inadequacies to list...guess she has all of the right people in her pocket. Wake up! How many people have to leave to show the board we are in an accelerating downward spiral?

Couldn't agree more

Agree, LP is in the home office bubble it is cray that PH and other leaders have not measured her results. I have and they have been poor. I know first hand. The so called negative poster is accurate from my experience. I guess you could say this is a waste of time but speaking to these issues my be productive for someone.