Lower your price; I can make my own donations


I saw a supporters list in the recent Habitat for Humanity. Guess who was by far the biggest contributor??? Yep, Abbvie at $50M!!! That's noble and all, and HFH is a wonderful organization, but if you charged a reasonable price for your drugs, you could still be a heavy hitter and your customers could make their own decisions about where to donate. No wonder people hate pharma...

I saw a supporters list in the recent Habitat for Humanity. Guess who was by far the biggest contributor??? Yep, Abbvie at $50M!!! That's noble and all, and HFH is a wonderful organization, but if you charged a reasonable price for your drugs, you could still be a heavy hitter and your customers could make their own decisions about where to donate. No wonder people hate pharma...
Hot take, Mother Theresa.