
McKesson is the lowest paying employer for Field Reimbursement Managers. They are devaluing our knowledge and experience and the people that are overseeing the FRMs and obtaining contracts with pharmaceutical companies do not have a clue instead of being confident that the FRMs are experts in their field they are low balling us claiming if they pay the FRMs too much the pharmaceutical companies will hire their own in-house. That is not true, bringing the FRMs in-house is a lot of additional money they would have to spend and manage it themselves. Companies want FRMs that are able to work with all stakeholders, build relationships, and assist with getting the patient access to medications. McKesson is acting like our expertise isn't worth anything and they continue to put us on the discount rack. It's shameful and shows their lack of knowledge in the industry. Someone needs to step in, take control, and stop the madness of what is happening because the people that they have in place lack the experience and knowledge of the reimbursement environment. Please somebody who can help read this!!! And Cover my meds is the worst hub, their case managers are rude, unprofessional and could care less about patients they forget who they are working for and their managers are a bunch of no knowledge know it all that are going to wreck the business. So many complaints against them already and nothing changes. McKesson really needs to evaluate who they have in upper management positions because they do not have the expertise needed to obtain contracts, run a hub, pay requirements or anything else that matters. Everybody tiptoes around not wanting to upset the client but that is exactly what they are doing. Start with the people obtaining contracts and put someone that has experience to manage them, then clean the hub staff and management out, they forget that they are working for the client and sales is working hard to get providers to write for the drug only to have the provider office and patients mistreated by the hub. If it continues McKesson will not succeed in offering these services because above everything else patients are #1 they are treated like dirt. Yes I'm an ex-FRM and I left because I'm worth more than what they pay and Cover My Meds is the worst don't want to work with people that are so self centered and have a year or two experience which is nothing and forget what their job is, not a caring bone in their bodies its all about the paycheck. Bunch of kiss ass brown nosers.