Low ball offers

I met with the Quintiles manager and he implied that he worked directly for the manufacturer - he did not want to admit that he works for Quintiles.
I checked his email address and he works at Q.
Sad that he was ashamed to admit he works here!!
That's not a good sign.

Put a range in the box they will accept, otherwise no call for you.
You will see they low ball that too!

They know if they drop so low no one will stay.....
Temp spot for the youthful....perm spot for the oldies.

Stay or cry cheap, cheap....and fly away!

I sat down with one of their managers awhile back: he had not put Quintiles on his LinkedIn because he was still looking for a JOB!!
He did not think the contract would last.
That is pretty bad when the mgr has no faith in the contract.

I sat down with one of their managers awhile back: he had not put Quintiles on his LinkedIn because he was still looking for a JOB!!
He did not think the contract would last.
That is pretty bad when the mgr has no faith in the contract.

Maybe he had just not updated his LinkedIn in awhile. Fucking moron. Sorry you didn't get the job fuckface.