Louis Yu The VP Quality who Destroyed Forest


Louis Yu, The VP of Quality at Forrest labs who obstructed FDA inspections and generally cost the the company $313 million dollars in fines is now the top Quality Person at Albany Molecular Research Institute (AMRI). They (AMRI) recently issues a press release. How many remember how he ignored the FDA warning letter and increased production instead of stopping production and discussing the issue with FDA. How many remember how he directed the Cincinnati plant to stop the FDA from finding anything. How many people remember how the company was convicted of one felony and three criminal misdeamenors. Mr. Louis Yu is now going to practice his arson skills at AMRI. How long will it take the DOJ and FDA to figure out what he is up to? How can a arsonist like this continue to get jobs? Louis Yu must have the warning letter and corporate integrity agreement (CIA) record for a Quality leader! The DOJ was going to debar him, what happened?