Lotz bolster giving reps salary increase- Now just 5%


Big bad loud I&I VP Jeff Lotz told all the reps at NSM that he is getting approval to give us salary increases .
Well , HR only approved 5-10% of reps to get increase and those are SHR 1 reps who make below 110k as 5% make below 100k.
Good for reps making 80-90k but the rest of us are just stuck with what we got.

I was hoping for a bump to 170k like competitors are offering reps.
What is sad, other reps who have left I&I for BMS got offered over 150k to stay.....
So Pfizer will do one off counters but not collectively give all reps 20k pay raises.
Kinda stinks but with 2-3 reps per geography, I understand given how top heavy with 100 too many reps...


LMFAO. If you know anything about finances, you should know Pfizer can not give every rep a 10-20k salary raise. Too many reps & not in the budget for a company that is loosing sales & revenues every year. Pfizer only meets earnings & profit by decreasing expenses and increasing all reps salaries goes against that.
This is why they do as a one off situation.

Smoke & Mirrors
Contradicting Narcissist
Arrogant Unfiltered
Unlocked the Doors to Reps Freedom

Thank you for your support & encouragement to "financially take care our families"

Pfizer never gives mass salary increases across the board. It is usually for the lowest paid SHR 1 making below 100k.
Keep living in a dream world of hope girlfriend

Pfizer never gives mass salary increases across the board. It is usually for the lowest paid SHR 1 making below 100k.
Keep living in a dream world of hope girlfriend
I&I is NOT going to give division wide 10k salary raises with 500 600 reps! It is not in the operation budget as the CEO & President direction is to FIND WAYS TO CUT EXPENSES ASAP.....NOT ADD!

I&I is NOT going to give division wide 10k salary raises with 500 600 reps! It is not in the operation budget as the CEO & President direction is to FIND WAYS TO CUT EXPENSES ASAP.....NOT ADD!
If they know Xeljanz has 150 reps too many, Derm is PC, and Biosimilar doesnt make any money after paying royalties, why in world would Pfizer approval a loony VPs broad salary request? HR wants attrition to save the company severance money in 6 months come Dec.

Blabbing his mouth once again.
At least this time he didnt mention Blacks, Mexicans, Jews or Females!
Reps who make below 85-115k will be lucky to get a small bump. Over 115k then you are already above Pfizer avg salary of 91k .
If you want more, then you need to look at Oncology or another co.
If you want 140-150k like a Pfizer DM then you are dreaming & need to wake the hell up. ONLY 25-30yr reps make that much .
So stop being in la la land. Go into mgt if you want 140k+ or put in your 25yrs to pay your dues!

Truth: only 10% will get a few grand
Mainly reps making 85-100k will be bumped up to 110k range.

So yes Jeff is delivering on his promise in Feb. The lower paid reps below 100k will be bumped up.

Pfizer can’t afford this attrition in this environment. Doctors are only going to talk to the reps they already know. If they want to keep the products moving it’s in their own interest to set a floor of $125k base for everyone. If you aren’t at $125k, why are you here?? Many companies are hiring reps in the $150-170k range with our experience/contacts........it sounds high but that is where the market is. Pick up the phone when the recruiters call.

Pfizer can’t afford this attrition in this environment. Doctors are only going to talk to the reps they already know. If they want to keep the products moving it’s in their own interest to set a floor of $125k base for everyone. If you aren’t at $125k, why are you here?? Many companies are hiring reps in the $150-170k range with our experience/contacts........it sounds high but that is where the market is. Pick up the phone when the recruiters call.
I think you meant Pfizer can not afford to pay all reps 150k with 2-3 reps per territory & current environment they only need 1 rep for every 2 territories. 1 rep can VCC & call 500 physician logs in a 4wk rotation .

So yes pfizer needs attrition to save a crap load of money being wasted right now.
Say avg rep with Salary plus Bonus makes 140k. 2 reps per territory is 280k & 3reps 420k for a dam single territory with just 100 targets.
That is 100% waste. So YES too many reps. And NO reps with Pfizer do not deserve 150k salaries if they are mirrored or in a triad! PERIOD. ONLY SOLO TERR REPS DESERVE 150K SALARIES.
All you counterparts who tag on to your partners skills and success just need to find another job cuz u will & should be ax ax ax