Lotsa postings about DNDN Board of Directors

Message board morons blame everybody for their bad investment decisions except themselves. Apparently they think that with the company in an insolvent and irrecoverable state, the ethical thing to for the directors to do would be to run through the rest of the cash and leave the creditors holding the bag.

The directors did the right thing even though it was painful for all concerned. Get them some cheese to go with that whine.

Message board morons blame everybody for their bad investment decisions except themselves. Apparently they think that with the company in an insolvent and irrecoverable state, the ethical thing to for the directors to do would be to run through the rest of the cash and leave the creditors holding the bag.

The directors did the right thing even though it was painful for all concerned. Get them some cheese to go with that whine.

I think they are talking about the BoD enabling Gold to destroy the company and then for enabling JJ to spend it into BK! Lifetime of litigation likely awaits BoD, you FIDOUCHIARY!