Lots of sales jobs posted, didn't they just do massive layoffs?


I see a bunch of primary care positions listed with DS. Didn't you just go through massive cuts? Were there that many bad apples to weed out? I have a background in CV, what products would I be pushing?

I see a bunch of primary care positions listed with DS. Didn't you just go through massive cuts? Were there that many bad apples to weed out? I have a background in CV, what products would I be pushing?

Layoffs, yes. Certain territories were shut down while others were opened up to bring in additional PC reps. CV pushes the HTN line, plus Effient. No Welchol.

Ask yourself the question, what do I sell that doesn't have one or more generics? Then I think you will know why there are so many jobs posted (hiring freeze). Look for elimination of positions and restructoring of the sales force. This reduces the sales force and avoids lawsuits. Cost cutting is the goal. If you don't like to listen to your stomach make noises and have diaharrea, go find another job were you don't have to sell your soul.