Lots of openings


The reason there are so many openings is because this fucking company decides it's a great idea to fire an employee who is a narcoleptic. That's reason one. Reasons two through 120 are that leadership is fucking awful. Having been there for many many years and left, I look back and say how in the HELL are people like the angry pirate, Mr. Magoo, M&M (mental midget) allowed to make decisions for a public company when they don't even give a SHIT about someone who has one of the diseases they "advocate for"??
It's all about patients, right pudgy the piano player? And fidelity, I am sure. How IS Nebraska this time of year?
Having perspective on how other companies run their business allows me to say to those of you who are still there: leave. There is a better life outside the walls of this paper tiger that has ONLY prospered by jacking prices through the roof for years and years. That's it. Nothing else there and nobody else home.
Leadership is corrupt which is worse than incompetent. They do however share this trait. I know now what good leadership looks like. It looks like a group who is interested in what the employees that scrounge up the business is interested in. You people live in a dictatorship. And you are not paid your worth in this business.
So stay if it is so comfortable but you sell your souls as opposed to drug ever fucking moment you stay employed at Joke Pharma. Now I'm done. And oh, Fuck you VC, I mean Latoya.

The reason there are so many openings is because this fucking company decides it's a great idea to fire an employee who is a narcoleptic. That's reason one. Reasons two through 120 are that leadership is fucking awful. Having been there for many many years and left, I look back and say how in the HELL are people like the angry pirate, Mr. Magoo, M&M (mental midget) allowed to make decisions for a public company when they don't even give a SHIT about someone who has one of the diseases they "advocate for"??
It's all about patients, right pudgy the piano player? And fidelity, I am sure. How IS Nebraska this time of year?
Having perspective on how other companies run their business allows me to say to those of you who are still there: leave. There is a better life outside the walls of this paper tiger that has ONLY prospered by jacking prices through the roof for years and years. That's it. Nothing else there and nobody else home.
Leadership is corrupt which is worse than incompetent. They do however share this trait. I know now what good leadership looks like. It looks like a group who is interested in what the employees that scrounge up the business is interested in. You people live in a dictatorship. And you are not paid your worth in this business.
So stay if it is so comfortable but you sell your souls as opposed to drug ever fucking moment you stay employed at Joke Pharma. Now I'm done. And oh, Fuck you VC, I mean Latoya.

The reason there are so many openings is because this fucking company decides it's a great idea to fire an employee who is a narcoleptic. That's reason one. Reasons two through 120 are that leadership is fucking awful. Having been there for many many years and left, I look back and say how in the HELL are people like the angry pirate, Mr. Magoo, M&M (mental midget) allowed to make decisions for a public company when they don't even give a SHIT about someone who has one of the diseases they "advocate for"??
It's all about patients, right pudgy the piano player? And fidelity, I am sure. How IS Nebraska this time of year?
Having perspective on how other companies run their business allows me to say to those of you who are still there: leave. There is a better life outside the walls of this paper tiger that has ONLY prospered by jacking prices through the roof for years and years. That's it. Nothing else there and nobody else home.
Leadership is corrupt which is worse than incompetent. They do however share this trait. I know now what good leadership looks like. It looks like a group who is interested in what the employees that scrounge up the business is interested in. You people live in a dictatorship. And you are not paid your worth in this business.
So stay if it is so comfortable but you sell your souls as opposed to drug ever fucking moment you stay employed at Joke Pharma. Now I'm done. And oh, Fuck you VC, I mean Latoya.


hmmmmm, I think you had two paths -

1. get your ass in gear and quit coasting - and make some something happen in your territory. this would require actual balls, hard work and ownership - you have none of these.

2. go the way you chose - own NOTHING and blame your failure on everybody else (and take uncontested personal shots while doing so). oh and throw in the medical condition. do you think you are the only employee with health issues??? you, of all people, know its a treatable condition and here is some news for you - Jazz has medical coverage.

here is a prediction, you will never be successful cause you lack the ability to own anything. Keep blaming the world, company, managers and your dog for your situation/lack of success - when the real issue is you...and just you.

The reason there are so many openings is because this fucking company decides it's a great idea to fire an employee who is a narcoleptic. That's reason one. Reasons two through 120 are that leadership is fucking awful. Having been there for many many years and left, I look back and say how in the HELL are people like the angry pirate, Mr. Magoo, M&M (mental midget) allowed to make decisions for a public company when they don't even give a SHIT about someone who has one of the diseases they "advocate for"??
It's all about patients, right pudgy the piano player? And fidelity, I am sure. How IS Nebraska this time of year?
Having perspective on how other companies run their business allows me to say to those of you who are still there: leave. There is a better life outside the walls of this paper tiger that has ONLY prospered by jacking prices through the roof for years and years. That's it. Nothing else there and nobody else home.
Leadership is corrupt which is worse than incompetent. They do however share this trait. I know now what good leadership looks like. It looks like a group who is interested in what the employees that scrounge up the business is interested in. You people live in a dictatorship. And you are not paid your worth in this business.
So stay if it is so comfortable but you sell your souls as opposed to drug ever fucking moment you stay employed at Joke Pharma. Now I'm done. And oh, Fuck you VC, I mean Latoya.

My thoughts exactly

A very interesting topic managers and sales reps having second jobs............ I work for unethical pharma generic company and some sales reps have second jobs using pharma job as extra income to help with their businesses! Never seen b4!

The reason there are so many openings is because this fucking company decides it's a great idea to fire an employee who is a narcoleptic. That's reason one. Reasons two through 120 are that leadership is fucking awful. Having been there for many many years and left, I look back and say how in the HELL are people like the angry pirate, Mr. Magoo, M&M (mental midget) allowed to make decisions for a public company when they don't even give a SHIT about someone who has one of the diseases they "advocate for"??
It's all about patients, right pudgy the piano player? And fidelity, I am sure. How IS Nebraska this time of year?
Having perspective on how other companies run their business allows me to say to those of you who are still there: leave. There is a better life outside the walls of this paper tiger that has ONLY prospered by jacking prices through the roof for years and years. That's it. Nothing else there and nobody else home.
Leadership is corrupt which is worse than incompetent. They do however share this trait. I know now what good leadership looks like. It looks like a group who is interested in what the employees that scrounge up the business is interested in. You people live in a dictatorship. And you are not paid your worth in this business.
So stay if it is so comfortable but you sell your souls as opposed to drug ever fucking moment you stay employed at Joke Pharma. Now I'm done. And oh, Fuck you VC, I mean Latoya.

You go bro. Calling a spade a spade, nothing wrong with that. Who is VC?

A very interesting topic managers and sales reps having second jobs............ I work for unethical pharma generic company and some sales reps have second jobs using pharma job as extra income to help with their businesses! Never seen b4!

Jazz has a history of funding reps career changes. I went back to school taking classes 2 days a week and taking online classes all on Jazz dime. Thanks Jazz I'll always be greatful.

The reason there are so many openings is because this fucking company decides it's a great idea to fire an employee who is a narcoleptic. That's reason one. Reasons two through 120 are that leadership is fucking awful. Having been there for many many years and left, I look back and say how in the HELL are people like the angry pirate, Mr. Magoo, M&M (mental midget) allowed to make decisions for a public company when they don't even give a SHIT about someone who has one of the diseases they "advocate for"??
It's all about patients, right pudgy the piano player? And fidelity, I am sure. How IS Nebraska this time of year?
Having perspective on how other companies run their business allows me to say to those of you who are still there: leave. There is a better life outside the walls of this paper tiger that has ONLY prospered by jacking prices through the roof for years and years. That's it. Nothing else there and nobody else home.
Leadership is corrupt which is worse than incompetent. They do however share this trait. I know now what good leadership looks like. It looks like a group who is interested in what the employees that scrounge up the business is interested in. You people live in a dictatorship. And you are not paid your worth in this business.
So stay if it is so comfortable but you sell your souls as opposed to drug ever fucking moment you stay employed at Joke Pharma. Now I'm done. And oh, Fuck you VC, I mean Latoya.

Hmm just curious why you stayed MANY years at this "shitty" company. I'm guessing you couldn't find work elsewhere? Please enlighten us with what you're up to these days. Loser

Hmm just curious why you stayed MANY years at this "shitty" company. I'm guessing you couldn't find work elsewhere? Please enlighten us with what you're up to these days. Loser
Not sure who you are referring too but I don't really know of any Jazz reps who stay here much beyond 2 years. You enter here with a 1-2 year plan max and then leave to a better job. I personally used Jazz to fund my MBA and then I cut bait for a much better opportunity.

Not sure who you are referring too but I don't really know of any Jazz reps who stay here much beyond 2 years. You enter here with a 1-2 year plan max and then leave to a better job. I personally used Jazz to fund my MBA and then I cut bait for a much better opportunity.

Toughest part of finding a job with a legit company is explaining what led you to actually working for Jazz. It definitely comes up during job interviews. The real companies want to know why anyone would work at such a bush league place.

Toughest part of finding a job with a legit company is explaining what led you to actually working for Jazz. It definitely comes up during job interviews. The real companies want to know why anyone would work at such a bush league place.

Employers in the industry know that nobody comes to work for Jazz unless they were laid off/down sized in their Pharma job. That's a perfectly acceptable reason to explain yourself in an interview. Whatever you do, DO NOT mention you worked here as any form of career growth. That's a cardinal sin and will get you tossed from the hiring process.