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Lost job: where are the other jobs


So as a former saleswoman I loved allergan. But I was let go. I was the rep stuck wondering what to do next and I came to this site just to hang out and complain like a little girl. I found a job a year later with the government making 75k but I'm building and pension and have great health insurance.
I always wanted to know what other jobs people who where let go transitioned to outside of pharma. What companies, industries and pay scale worked for them. I was clueless where to look for work where my skills translated. I'm happy now but can we help each other here and post some ideas here to help each other out.
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So as a former saleswoman I loved allergan. But I was let go. I was the rep stuck wondering what to do next and I came to this site just to hang out and complain like a little girl. I found a job a year later with the government making 75k but I'm building and pension and have great health insurance.
I always wanted to know what other jobs people who where let go transitioned to outside of pharma. What companies, industries and pay scale worked for them. I was clueless where to look for work where my skills translated. I'm happy now but can we help each other here and post some ideas here to help each other out.
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I was let go. Best thing that happened to me. Higher base. More bonus. Less stress. No micro managing. Positive environment. Best boss. Realized how bad it was. Happy.

Life goes on. Many people who lost their jobs in Project endurance, have gone on to find
Better jobs making more money while banking the severance. Keep your resume updated and stay close to your network & things will be fine.

I posted this back in September prior to the layoffs but I was able to land a better job making a lot more money. The job market is not that bad as long as you're willing to do your fair share of searching. At the end of the day, always keep your resume updated. I was at Allergan for 8 years and I thought it would be impossible to find a job.

So as a former saleswoman I loved allergan. But I was let go. I was the rep stuck wondering what to do next and I came to this site just to hang out and complain like a little girl. I found a job a year later with the government making 75k but I'm building and pension and have great health insurance.
I always wanted to know what other jobs people who where let go transitioned to outside of pharma. What companies, industries and pay scale worked for them. I was clueless where to look for work where my skills translated. I'm happy now but can we help each other here and post some ideas here to help each other out.
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I got out in April 2014. Went into High School Education.

Should consider teaching. Especially biosciences as you are in pharma. They love people from pharma as we have real world experience. I have retooled myself as a high school bio teacher and am doing very well. Have 3 months off in summer, 24 sick days, a generous teachers union pension, and lifetime tenure after 5 years, and base pay of $88,000. Also education assistance ($10k a year tuition)to get my Masters in Teacher Cert and then Public Health so I have some flexibility to get into hospital admin, maybe part time (summer work).
We do have a VERY STRONG teachers union that puts up with no BS from the school committee.

Best gig is that I work only 6 hours a day and have a teaching assistant to carry my load when I need a break !. Have conditional Cert based on phara sales exp and working thru full cert at nite college (need 16 credit hrs). Give it some consideration my friends because there's nothing worse than an over the hill old timer sales rep.

Former Rep here just perusing CP with all the crap going on over the merger .

Do not fear leaving.

I jumped ship . While working as a Rep I did fake a lot of calls. Used my 'spare' time to complete a doctorate in civil engineering at FAU. My lifelong dream was to design roads and bridges. Now I do in Florida. Salary with my consulting fees and base is $400,000 plus or minus $20k. Live well as no state income tax and homestead status lowers real estate tax. New home on the inter-coastal is so much better than the apartment in NJ.

What I got from my Rep days is the skillset of selling which I have applied to my consulting business.

Generate a 5 year plan for a new career direction and go confidently forward. I had ALOT of bumps on the way but the endpoint was my goal.

I got out in April 2014. Went into High School Education.

Should consider teaching. Especially biosciences as you are in pharma. They love people from pharma as we have real world experience. I have retooled myself as a high school bio teacher and am doing very well. Have 3 months off in summer, 24 sick days, a generous teachers union pension, and lifetime tenure after 5 years, and base pay of $88,000. Also education assistance ($10k a year tuition)to get my Masters in Teacher Cert and then Public Health so I have some flexibility to get into hospital admin, maybe part time (summer work).
We do have a VERY STRONG teachers union that puts up with no BS from the school committee.

Best gig is that I work only 6 hours a day and have a teaching assistant to carry my load when I need a break !. Have conditional Cert based on phara sales exp and working thru full cert at nite college (need 16 credit hrs). Give it some consideration my friends because there's nothing worse than an over the hill old timer sales rep.

So you are a brand new teacher, with zero experience, and you make 88k per year. STOP LYING! There is no union contract in the united states that starts a teacher even remotely close to 88k. 88K would literally put you in the top 10% of all teachers salaries.

The top paying (average annual pay) school districts in the country are Nassau County New York (77,000), New York City (76,000). Now, New York City is almost the highest paid in the country, and has an unbelievably strong union. There is no question here that someone like yourself, with ZERO teaching experience, and NO masters degree will only start at 45k/year. You wouldnt even get to 75k/year until you met the following criteria: 7.5 years on the job, Bachelors degree, masters degree, 30 credits post masters degree.

The bottokline is that there is no way in hell that you are a brand new teacher (provisional at that), with no maters degree and making 88K/year. THERE IS SIMPLY NO WAY! Why do people come on Cafe Pharma, and feel that they most so grossly exaggerate themselves? Its so sill!

Former Rep here just perusing CP with all the crap going on over the merger .

Do not fear leaving.

I jumped ship . While working as a Rep I did fake a lot of calls. Used my 'spare' time to complete a doctorate in civil engineering at FAU. My lifelong dream was to design roads and bridges. Now I do in Florida. Salary with my consulting fees and base is $400,000 plus or minus $20k. Live well as no state income tax and homestead status lowers real estate tax. New home on the inter-coastal is so much better than the apartment in NJ.

What I got from my Rep days is the skillset of selling which I have applied to my consulting business.

Generate a 5 year plan for a new career direction and go confidently forward. I had ALOT of bumps on the way but the endpoint was my goal.

400K as a civil engineer??? Puuuhleese! Even with a doctorate, your salary would be triple what the high end of the national range is for PHD engineers of all experience levels, TRIPLE! Now throw in that you live in one of the lowest paying states in the country, and your numbers just do not add up. There are simply no working civil engineers making 400k annual salaries; this information is so easy to find online, it doesnt pay to lie. Its so sad, but you really could have made your point with this gross exaggeration!