losing to who?
Quest has been downsizing Long Island operations for years. There are bigger fish to fry.
Does Quest even maintain a lab on Long Island these days?
Do you have even the slightest grasp of the market, of operations, logistics, acquisitions and long term business development? It appears that you don’t even know enough to ask intelligent questions. Do you have a clue about investor demands? When this deal is solidified, expect to be looking for work in another industry.
Perhaps you could simply answer the question that was asked....if you know?
There is is new invention called the internet. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with it. You can find answers to simple questions such as yours. You’ll also find it useful when you’re searching for more suitable employment after being replaced by BioReference employees who actually understand the clinical reference laboratory industry.
So you do not know the answer?
So you do not know. But at least you got the part about not caring correct Nobody cares for you or about you.
Please prove your point. Stop obsessing over my contributions to this forum. No one has the patience to explain the content to you. And no one cares about your stupid opinions.
Would seem you care.
Perhaps I was wrong about no one caring for or about you...I forgot about your mommy.
This thread is about our loss of business on Long Island to BioReference and quite honestly in several other markets as well. The leadership’s solution of the acquisition of Bio and new management and representation from from their organization will upend the industry. If you have nothing of substance to say on this subject, then take your juvenile comments elsewhere.
Let me know when you have some accurate information of substance....comments pertaining to Kia and fast food do not qualify, though I realize that is where you experience is.
so what is the timeline of the merger???