Looking to move to the home office..


Im looking to move to the home office to do a training position. Is it a good idea. Is it fun or a career stopper and how long before I can get out and become a DM?



There are some trainers who have been in for 5+ years... If you enjoy living in a cave with little to no sunlight through windows (because there aren't any) and losing touch with any field management support who might tag you for a DM position, go for it. (By the way, how many Sales Trainers have been promoted to DM in the last 4-5 years??
The old adage, "we are positioning Sales Training to be the place everyone goes to for their next leadership position" that Tim Gerritts is selling will work like it did with his predecessor when she took over Sales Training and had the same "vision". Most of the good trainers have transitioned to other areas in the corporation. Also, if you can afford the financial hit, which will be significant. Don't let them sell you on the idea that its for the opportunity to move up. That window slammed shut long ago... Don't be that gullible guy.

There is a little bit of a hit, but not much. They buy out your car AND average the bonuses for the last year or two. But when you come out, you get another free, upgraded car AND the bonuses are better (they don't take back the either of the two buyouts). Plus, even if you came from a high COL area, if you go back, they give you an adjustment that gradually decreases over a few years. Overall, well worth the move IF you can get out in a year. Otherwise, your brain will become mush and you will realize what a joke it is. Then you are screwed if you try to stay.

If you would like to lose your mind after 4 months go for it. Yes, in the past, a sales training position was a golden ticket to DM unless you did something really stupid. In today's environment plan on being in sales training for a long time. And yes, you will definitely take a financial and mental hit. The climate at AP30 is a pressure cooker right now. You can cut the tension with a knife. Even RTS positions are not the same as they used to be. Again, not one guarantee you will land a DM position ever.

Go for a marketing position. Much more visibility and a better learning opportunity. Getting out of the training dept is a very very tough one unless you love training. Make sure your are OK with staying at the park for another position after training. The odds of you coming out as a DM are extremely slim with the competition and downsizing.

If you would like to lose your mind after 4 months go for it. Yes, in the past, a sales training position was a golden ticket to DM unless you did something really stupid. In today's environment plan on being in sales training for a long time. And yes, you will definitely take a financial and mental hit. The climate at AP30 is a pressure cooker right now. You can cut the tension with a knife. Even RTS positions are not the same as they used to be. Again, not one guarantee you will land a DM position ever.

we look forward to you at the Park-please bring annalease and wet ones on your first day

If you would like to lose your mind after 4 months go for it. Yes, in the past, a sales training position was a golden ticket to DM unless you did something really stupid. In today's environment plan on being in sales training for a long time. And yes, you will definitely take a financial and mental hit. The climate at AP30 is a pressure cooker right now. You can cut the tension with a knife. Even RTS positions are not the same as they used to be. Again, not one guarantee you will land a DM position ever.

What a riot.... people have been saying this every year or two for the last 25 years: "Oh, the pressure is intense; it is a pressure cooker; it is worse than it has ever been...blah, blah, blah"
Look, the level of work IS intense. But what would you expect for a leading company in a competitive market that is facing structural changes around the world? Free surf lessons at the mid-afternoon break? Not gonna happen. If you want to be challenged, if you want to see how you do when you are working with the people that have succeeded in every position they have held before, if you are strong enough to hold your own against the very best, then go for it.
If, on the other hand, you are just tired of what you are doing, go someplace else and do it there.