Looking or Staying?


I keep talking to colleagues and the sales force seems to be so confident that we will be fine because Valeant only has a small retinal force. Do we really feel this safe?

If your not quietly looking, you're crazy. They'll drop the layoff news like a bomb with a crappy severance and then you're starting from scratch with all the other layed off reps from other companies. Learn from Valeant's past behavior, they've made a ton of acquisitions and it's never been a good thing for the sales force. When B&L tells us to work hard and they'll keep the best of the best, we're in trouble. In the end, nothing you do from the announcement to close will matter. Take care of yourself, you can always tell another company no if I'm wrong.

I think the sales force is much safer than anyone in a corporate function - but still not safe in the long-term.

Although Valeant's previous acquisitions have been detrimental to the sales teams, they need a strong eye-health sales team...they do not currently have one. For the interim (until they can identify sales professionals who are willing to do your job for less) they should keep you employed.

All corporate folks should be looking.