Looking For Old Stuart Hand

Bubble Burster

Jim Woodward was one of the original DM's, back when the whole company had 100 reps. H was a Master CPO Navy medic, having served in the Pacific during WWII. He was beloved and respected by all who worked for him or with him.

Jim brought me into Stuart in 1974, and I last saw him in 1980. If he is still alive, he would be in his late 70's. One of Jim's more prominent hires was Harry Frazee, best known in California for the chain of paint stores he owns.

Anybody know what happened to him?


I rememberJim Woodward. YES a first class guy. Sorry, don't know what happened to him.
The last I heard, he had retired and was living in a gated community in the Laguna Hills area of S. CA. He was enjoying life and playing lots of golf. Agree that he was a first class leader who could never work in this company culture today. He once called the VP of Sales a cheap bastard to his face for cutting benefits to his employees. Can you imagine one of our DSMs standing up for their people like this today. All we have left are self serving, ass kissing, box checkers.

The last I heard, he had retired and was living in a gated community in the Laguna Hills area of S. CA. He was enjoying life and playing lots of golf. Agree that he was a first class leader who could never work in this company culture today. He once called the VP of Sales a cheap bastard to his face for cutting benefits to his employees. Can you imagine one of our DSMs standing up for their people like this today. All we have left are self serving, ass kissing, box checkers.

Wow, your post basically says everything about AZ and big pharma in general in today's environment. I don't know this person you are referring to but I completely agree, anyone with any class, morals, conviction would not last a day at this dysfunctional corrupt hellhole. We are left with back stabbing, lying, cheating immoral clowns in senior management that get and keep their cushy, do nothing positions by screwing others over daily. Truly sad.

Wow, your post basically says everything about AZ and big pharma in general in today's environment. I don't know this person you are referring to but I completely agree, anyone with any class, morals, conviction would not last a day at this dysfunctional corrupt hellhole. We are left with back stabbing, lying, cheating immoral clowns in senior management that get and keep their cushy, do nothing positions by screwing others over daily. Truly sad.
Even sadder is that today's leaders would scoff at him if he were around today. They would have to try to marginalize him because he would expose their incompetence. Woody could captivate a room because he was respected, could motivate, and was a terrific coach and salesman. He was a terrific coach because he could sell as well or better than his peer DSMs and most of the PSSs. Today a DSM,RSD, ASD would shit their pants if they had to get in front of a customer or a meeting room and do a demonstration sales call. Woody routinely did it first before he ever asked one of his people to do it. But like the previous poster said, he would be run out of this company because he would be seen as a threat and a perfect target for the political assassinations of our senior leadership team.

Even sadder is that today\'s leaders would scoff at him if he were around today. They would have to try to marginalize him because he would expose their incompetence. Woody could captivate a room because he was respected, could motivate, and was a terrific coach and salesman. He was a terrific coach because he could sell as well or better than his peer DSMs and most of the PSSs. Today a DSM,RSD, ASD would shit their pants if they had to get in front of a customer or a meeting room and do a demonstration sales call. Woody routinely did it first before he ever asked one of his people to do it. But like the previous poster said, he would be run out of this company because he would be seen as a threat and a perfect target for the political assassinations of our senior leadership team.

Hell, I didn\'t realize who you were talking about until you said Woody. Yes, a member of the old breed as the Marines would say (in the respectful no nonsense of duty to his generation as well). Respected by his people, and that reputation spread to others. True, speaking ones mind and not playing the game is certainly not tolerated today.

As a Stuart rep and DM I remember Woody. A first class individual liked by all both professionally and personally. Woody was not unique at Stuart. The vast majority of Stuart managers were the same way. Perhaps the company was a lot smaller. Perhaps terrific leaders like Bill Lalor and Bob Black inspired their leaders better than the current individuals in charge. (I will not call them leaders because they are not). Stuart was a great company to be part of. I can truely say I was proud to be known as a Stuart DM. When I left AZ I could NOT say the same.

As a Stuart rep and DM I remember Woody. A first class individual liked by all both professionally and personally. Woody was not unique at Stuart. The vast majority of Stuart managers were the same way. Perhaps the company was a lot smaller. Perhaps terrific leaders like Bill Lalor and Bob Black inspired their leaders better than the current individuals in charge. (I will not call them leaders because they are not). Stuart was a great company to be part of. I can truely say I was proud to be known as a Stuart DM. When I left AZ I could NOT say the same.
Not just at Stuart. The entire industry got cheaper with size as people were hired as reps that could not have gotten an interview in the 70s and 80s. Those same people ended up as DSMs or higher and they weren't any better individuals than when they were first hired. We now have totally incompetent people with flawed character in leadership positions and they are now making the hiring and promoting decisions. So you figure it out. A perfect example is MT. Black and Laylor would not stop laughing if they heard that this ass clown was now a VP of Sales.

As a Stuart rep and DM I remember Woody. A first class individual liked by all both professionally and personally. Woody was not unique at Stuart. The vast majority of Stuart managers were the same way. Perhaps the company was a lot smaller. Perhaps terrific leaders like Bill Lalor and Bob Black inspired their leaders better than the current individuals in charge. (I will not call them leaders because they are not). Stuart was a great company to be part of. I can truely say I was proud to be known as a Stuart DM. When I left AZ I could NOT say the same.

Very well said. I started when the company was ICI. Bill Lalor and Bob Black were first class leaders. Brennan and the rest of the bullies are pathetic.

As a Stuart rep and DM I remember Woody. A first class individual liked by all both professionally and personally. Woody was not unique at Stuart. The vast majority of Stuart managers were the same way. Perhaps the company was a lot smaller. Perhaps terrific leaders like Bill Lalor and Bob Black inspired their leaders better than the current individuals in charge. (I will not call them leaders because they are not). Stuart was a great company to be part of. I can truely say I was proud to be known as a Stuart DM. When I left AZ I could NOT say the same.

I agree 100 %. Stuart leadership, back in the day was great. Treated their reps with respect but expected hard work. Bill Lalor was a true gentleman.
It was a great company until the merger is 2000.

Even sadder is that today's leaders would scoff at him if he were around today. They would have to try to marginalize him because he would expose their incompetence. Woody could captivate a room because he was respected, could motivate, and was a terrific coach and salesman. He was a terrific coach because he could sell as well or better than his peer DSMs and most of the PSSs. Today a DSM,RSD, ASD would shit their pants if they had to get in front of a customer or a meeting room and do a demonstration sales call. Woody routinely did it first before he ever asked one of his people to do it. But like the previous poster said, he would be run out of this company because he would be seen as a threat and a perfect target for the political assassinations of our senior leadership team.

Everything you say is 100% true. I can't think of one of our so-called leaders that I have one ounce of respect for. Not one. But the sad truth is our current crop of incompetents could give a shit about AZ or any of their people. We are in a dog-eat-dog environment. Box checking and back stabbing are the rule. Hell, we are as far away from being a sales organization as we can get, and nobody cares.

Everything you say is 100% true. I can't think of one of our so-called leaders that I have one ounce of respect for. Not one. But the sad truth is our current crop of incompetents could give a shit about AZ or any of their people. We are in a dog-eat-dog environment. Box checking and back stabbing are the rule. Hell, we are as far away from being a sales organization as we can get, and nobody cares.
The first rule of leadership is to make your people feel trusted and supported. Every book ever written about high performing organizations says that people cannot work at their best if they feel their job is in jeopardy or that they are not trusted. So what does AZ leadership do? They insert the forced ranking system of management which requires no leadership at all. In fact, it is the opposite because the leaders know that all they have to do is flog a few and fire a few to keep their job. This is no different that the old slave system, overseer method of people management. The overseer only had to show that they could beat the shit out of people and the slaves just had to suck up to the masta and keep out of trouble and do exactly what you are told and maybe they wouldn't beat them or sell them down river. It only works when someone is watching which is exactly why our every move is now being monitored. Great company huh?

Everyone of these posts rings true. Stuart was not perfect, but it would beat the crap out of AZ every day. They actually let us have fun at national sales meetings. They would bring in national acts and comedians. They would not work you to death by endless role playing, and you left a meeting knowing all about your med, the disease state and your competitors. Doctors wanted to talk to you to learn from you. Really. They would ask your opinion about other meds, about other studies.

Everyone of these posts rings true. Stuart was not perfect, but it would beat the crap out of AZ every day. They actually let us have fun at national sales meetings. They would bring in national acts and comedians. They would not work you to death by endless role playing, and you left a meeting knowing all about your med, the disease state and your competitors. Doctors wanted to talk to you to learn from you. Really. They would ask your opinion about other meds, about other studies.

In those days, we could actually SELL, unlike today. Leaders could lead and inspire, not intimidate and threaten. Our "leaders" today as clowns to be mocked and laughed at behind their backs, because we know how they are incompetent they are.

The first rule of leadership is to make your people feel trusted and supported. Every book ever written about high performing organizations says that people cannot work at their best if they feel their job is in jeopardy or that they are not trusted. So what does AZ leadership do? They insert the forced ranking system of management which requires no leadership at all. In fact, it is the opposite because the leaders know that all they have to do is flog a few and fire a few to keep their job. This is no different that the old slave system, overseer method of people management. The overseer only had to show that they could beat the shit out of people and the slaves just had to suck up to the masta and keep out of trouble and do exactly what you are told and maybe they wouldn't beat them or sell them down river. It only works when someone is watching which is exactly why our every move is now being monitored. Great company huh?

That's the first thing the Inspector did, show his team his total lack of support and trust. What's strange is that years ago he said he had absolutely no respect for Tilton, but look at him now sucking right up.

That's the first thing the Inspector did, show his team his total lack of support and trust. What's strange is that years ago he said he had absolutely no respect for Tilton, but look at him now sucking right up.
Nobody has any respect for Tilton. He has no real field sales experience. He hates sales people and therefore he hates his job. He was an ass clown at Zeneca. If you told Black that Tilton was VP of sales, he would fall down laughing and then say, "that is a good one, now really, what is Tilton doing now. He used to refer to Tilton as that little cowboy who took too many shots to the head. The concensus was that he was a loose cannon with little intellect and someone who liked to delegate everything to someone else but then stood up and took credit if it turned out postive.