Looking for info


Monday the 23 of July, I received a called from P1 for a position in Chicago. I had seen this post for a long time on Linkedin and other sights. What is the deal with this position? Is this prt of the expansion, or was the rep let go? I think it is odd the position was posted for such a long time.

Thanks for you honest answers

Monday the 23 of July, I received a called from P1 for a position in Chicago. I had seen this post for a long time on Linkedin and other sights. What is the deal with this position? Is this prt of the expansion, or was the rep let go? I think it is odd the position was posted for such a long time.

Thanks for you honest answers
No specific info. Generally, expansion has out paced recruitment efforts. HR and hiring managers are often too busy to look at resumes. My advice? Kick the tires - apply and see what you learn. There are no good/bad companies, just goid/bad managers.

Monday the 23 of July, I received a called from P1 for a position in Chicago. I had seen this post for a long time on Linkedin and other sights. What is the deal with this position? Is this prt of the expansion, or was the rep let go? I think it is odd the position was posted for such a long time.

Thanks for you honest answers

Expansion territory. Recruitment went on hold for a few months while waiting on FDA approval

Expansion territory. Recruitment went on hold for a few months while waiting on FDA approval

management said in May they will be expanding, starting in the 4th qt.. so im not sure where all this "expansion hold" BS is coming from.. also they aren't the one promoting elagolix so why wait? these fraud posters make no sense at all