Look at the ARtis report


Wonder where NYC district , CA , JD, GW, percentage of goal is so far for 2013.
I see 60 percent, pathetic. Cheaters. See what happens when you cany cheat , aka, add numbers to your data?



NYC is in the 50-70's. They have not spent a dime because they can not get monies back from restaurants. LC is gone and he can not give them Yankee tickets. YTD the company is 80% to plan. This division will be shuttered by years end.

MZ will work out some deal w/ analytics and get these #s adjusted. Or TFS will wake up and realize this business is a damn joke, and expecting double digit growth year over year is greedy and stupid.

MZ no longer has any clout. His rein over HQ is over. With the BioD going down...he can not hit his numbers nor can he push people around. He has been faking numbers for years and now the truth shall be revealed. He is worthless as a RSD...he should leave or DE needs to grow some balls and fire his ass. We will have double digit decline this year. We are 80% to plan through March.

MZ no longer has any clout. His rein over HQ is over. With the BioD going down...he can not hit his numbers nor can he push people around. He has been faking numbers for years and now the truth shall be revealed. He is worthless as a RSD...he should leave or DE needs to grow some balls and fire his ass. We will have double digit decline this year. We are 80% to plan through March.

Couldn't happen to a better guy....was never impressed with him, bad presenter, poor manager

What artis report? This is the bs we will be dealing with all year long. Delayed payments of bonus. Good thing most people have side jobs like selling hot dogs at baseball games

Really?? I didn't think so, I think those people are doing exactly what the sales managers are telling them to do. They always give the impression that their opinion doesn't count!