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Long time pharma Rep looking to retire in 6+ years. Is Amplity a good place for someone who wants less nonsense?


After 30 plus years in the field, I’m ready to take a step back. The business has significantly changed, access is horrible, managed care dictates everything, goals are unrealistic, and management is out of touch with reality. Looking for quality of life first. Is Amplity a good choice for someone like myself? I appreciate any honest feedback.


After 30 plus years in the field, I’m ready to take a step back. The business has significantly changed, access is horrible, managed care dictates everything, goals are unrealistic, and management is out of touch with reality. Looking for quality of life first. Is Amplity a good choice for someone like myself? I appreciate any honest feedback.
I have to say, I applauded your enduring if poorly placed confidence in getting any answer of value on this site. I’m in a similar situation. Remember when we used to catch docs behind their office taking a smoke break? It’s sad to me what the government has done to this industry.

I have to say, I applauded your enduring if poorly placed confidence in getting any answer of value on this site. I’m in a similar situation. Remember when we used to catch docs behind their office taking a smoke break? It’s sad to me what the government has done to this industry.
It’s not poorly placed confidence at all. It’s more of a “Hail Mary” than anything else. Cafe Pharma has always been a medium to express anger, dissatisfaction, and a means to vent to others who share similar sentiments. And no matter how volatile it may get on here, there are always shreds of truth and honesty. That was my intention. Glad to hear someone else shares my current concerns. The industry has so significantly changed over the past 10-15 years for the worse. I’m looking for the path of least resistance to get to retirement. Thinking contract sales may be a good option. Smoke breaks behind the office? I had docs who would smoke in their office between patients! My how times have changed.

It’s not poorly placed confidence at all. It’s more of a “Hail Mary” than anything else. Cafe Pharma has always been a medium to express anger, dissatisfaction, and a means to vent to others who share similar sentiments. And no matter how volatile it may get on here, there are always shreds of truth and honesty. That was my intention. Glad to hear someone else shares my current concerns. The industry has so significantly changed over the past 10-15 years for the worse. I’m looking for the path of least resistance to get to retirement. Thinking contract sales may be a good option. Smoke breaks behind the office? I had docs who would smoke in their office between patients! My how times have changed.
I’ve said several times that the things I would be fired for today are the things I would have been fired for not doing 25 yrs ago. I started in 92. Somehow I missed layoffs until recently. I’m just like you. Trying to figure out what’s next. I can’t stomach anymore rah rah cheerleader, EQ, DEI bs, or FCRs from idiots who were born on 3rd base and believe they hit a triple. If I see another video on LI of some fool jumping in a pool with their clothes on because some over promoted NSD said to, I may just gouge out my eyes with an ice pick. I’ve been lucky for the last few years. I’ll end my time at big blue after two of the best managers I have had in my career, but go back 5 yrs and you get to the worst I ever had, without equivocation, the worst. So…I wish you luck. Someone should start a contract company full of our type. I’d like to see that. I think it could be like that Raider team from the early 80’s. Didn’t they win a Super Bowl with a bunch of old misfits?

I’ve said several times that the things I would be fired for today are the things I would have been fired for not doing 25 yrs ago. I started in 92. Somehow I missed layoffs until recently. I’m just like you. Trying to figure out what’s next. I can’t stomach anymore rah rah cheerleader, EQ, DEI bs, or FCRs from idiots who were born on 3rd base and believe they hit a triple. If I see another video on LI of some fool jumping in a pool with their clothes on because some over promoted NSD said to, I may just gouge out my eyes with an ice pick. I’ve been lucky for the last few years. I’ll end my time at big blue after two of the best managers I have had in my career, but go back 5 yrs and you get to the worst I ever had, without equivocation, the worst. So…I wish you luck. Someone should start a contract company full of our type. I’d like to see that. I think it could be like that Raider team from the early 80’s. Didn’t they win a Super Bowl with a bunch of old misfits?
Are you sure that we aren’t related somehow? I’m quite honestly spooked by your comments because they are exactly how I feel right now about this industry. I started in 94. Like you, when we were encouraged and required to get to know our clients on a personal basis. The interpersonal connection is what always drove me. That is now all gone. Managers for the most part are useles, narcissistic box checkers. It sickens me to be honest, and I’m not sure that I can play this charade anymore. The disingenuousness of this business makes me sick. It eats away at your integrity and your soul. People are pawns and nothing more to be disposed of when corporate decides. Are you currently in contract sales? Again, looking for the path of least resistance and simply want to be happy and enjoy the back 9 of my career.

We probably know some of the same people. I’m sure our career experiences and goals are very similar. I’m not in contract currently, but I’ve gotten the notice and am waiting to hear what is my last day and what a severance looks like. This is the strangest “goodbye” I have ever experienced. I was told “my position wasn’t retained” over 4 weeks ago, but I have no idea what my last day will be or what the severance looks like. have a bad feeling that the pool of job seekers is going to get far more crowded, but this is what happens when people with zero understanding of economics or even human nature vote in national elections for candidates matching the same description.

We probably know some of the same people. I’m sure our career experiences and goals are very similar. I’m not in contract currently, but I’ve gotten the notice and am waiting to hear what is my last day and what a severance looks like. This is the strangest “goodbye” I have ever experienced. I was told “my position wasn’t retained” over 4 weeks ago, but I have no idea what my last day will be or what the severance looks like. have a bad feeling that the pool of job seekers is going to get far more crowded, but this is what happens when people with zero understanding of economics or even human nature vote in national elections for candidates matching the same description.
I’m so sorry to hear about your current job situation. As I’ve stated earlier, none of these companies give a damn about any of their people. It’s always been about the bottom line less of shareholders and less about people. I agree concerning the national election. situation. The situation in this country is going down a very dangerous slope right now. I’m praying that the American people wake up and realize what’s going on in our nation. I’m hoping that your severance is generous enough to get you to the next step. It’s an extremely frustrating time right now especially for aged veterans of this industry. I was displaced last year from a major pharmaceutical company and was fortunate enough to get an extremely generous severance package. But this has become more than tiresome as the years have gone by. There’s no stability. I just want to get to the finish line with the least amount of nonsense as possible.

As a veteran and semi-rtired medical/pharma representative I empathize with all of the contributors here on
Cafe Pharma. There was a time during the later 80s and 90s that every day was an adventure and a great challenge.
I looked forward to making that extra sales call and loved the opportunity to actually get a 1:1 appointment with a physician
To present a new clinical study or business plan. It is unfortunate that the pharma industry has drastically changed for the worst.
In most areas managed markets, reduced access and gate keepers have controlled the flow and sales continuum. I have experienced
the changes as a direct and contract specialty representative through the pandemic. The opportunity to be hired in 2024 is a bigger challenge due to the downsizing, economy, competition, and the rediculous remote interview process. Some major companies
employ a video interview requiring the candidate to answer three or four questions facing the camera. There is no feedback and the candidate is left in the dark. It appears to lack the human interaction. Older candidates are left to question whether they were eliminated because of age. Many of the best performers are passed over. The best fit is not always the best sales candidate.
Hopefully, Amplity and some of the other contract companies with a more proactive approach in hiring good candidates and more mature workers who understand the sales continuum and building strong relationships.
I wish all of our colleagues the best as the job market has tightened up for so many.

As a veteran and semi-rtired medical/pharma representative I empathize with all of the contributors here on
Cafe Pharma. There was a time during the later 80s and 90s that every day was an adventure and a great challenge.
I looked forward to making that extra sales call and loved the opportunity to actually get a 1:1 appointment with a physician
To present a new clinical study or business plan. It is unfortunate that the pharma industry has drastically changed for the worst.
In most areas managed markets, reduced access and gate keepers have controlled the flow and sales continuum. I have experienced
the changes as a direct and contract specialty representative through the pandemic. The opportunity to be hired in 2024 is a bigger challenge due to the downsizing, economy, competition, and the rediculous remote interview process. Some major companies
employ a video interview requiring the candidate to answer three or four questions facing the camera. There is no feedback and the candidate is left in the dark. It appears to lack the human interaction. Older candidates are left to question whether they were eliminated because of age. Many of the best performers are passed over. The best fit is not always the best sales candidate.
Hopefully, Amplity and some of the other contract companies with a more proactive approach in hiring good candidates and more mature workers who understand the sales continuum and building strong relationships.
I wish all of our colleagues the best as the job market has tightened up for so many.
Insightful words of wisdom. The pharmaceutical industry has been in a free fall for at least 10 years, and the personalized human connection has all but been lost. Managed care coverage is essential to success, and access is absolutely critical. You cannot be impactful unless you can see your physicians on a regular basis. There are more things outside of your control now than there are in your control. Pharma was once a great place to be.

This is such a refreshing perspective. I appreciate your vulnerability I sharing your thoughts. I, too, remember the days of one on one time with doctors and getting to know their spouses. Definitely a different world now. Too much check the box and metrics. I wish we could get back to selling and what's important

I love this thread! I started in 98 and held several different roles but stepped back into a rep role 10 years ago. Looking to work another 6 max. I have it really good where I am now but don’t think I can eke out 6 more without a layoff of some sort. When that does happen and it will with my company, I was seriously considering contract for whatever remains. I just wish someone from amplity would respond

I've worked here for 6 years and love it. The contract I'm on is full of good people both reps and managers. I can't speak for the other contracts but I like being here. I've spent 37 years in medical device and pharma and both industries have changed, for the worse. There are no safe places to work now from being let go. It's now all about metrics and call averages but again, the contract I'm on it's not that bad at all.
Amplity is a good place to work with good benefits and good pay. We are treated like adults and I would recommend it!