Long Time First Time


So sick of the sh*t. Everyone and everything. If you have a problem with the company...leave. If you have a problem with your DM, call him/her out. If you have an issue with teammates, messaging, payouts, hours, "expectations", etc...either call 'em out, suck it up, or get out. The biz has the term "the golden handcuffs" for a reason.

70% of this company doesn't get it, is f*cking moronic or banging someone that they think has influence. 25% work hard inside the boundaries and have the results that follow. Most of these results are simply a matter of 2yr business cycle with elevated or changing baselines, but don't tell these people, they really care. And they aren't aware that a "green jacket" should only be worn by the Masters' Champion.

The other 5% get it. They know that every business has cycles (peaks and valleys every fiscal year). In sales it's "What have you done for me lately?" The 5% know that if you play the game, smile and pretend that knowing your current QQ numbers (lacking CVS because how can you expect a company you pay a lot of money to have accurate numbers?) truly makes a daily difference.

The 5% know that goals are 3-6wks late because FRX wants to accrue for the proper payouts while making bank at the expense of those who produce results while shaving dollars off those who "have not met expectations." The 5% know that DMs are promoted for what they drink and not what they think. The 5% know that PlanTrak has never represented the true MC landscape of an office since the names of the plans frequently change (Medco v Anthem v BCBS v ESI v whatever you want) and employer groups are never represented.

This list goes on...either suck it up or shut up

The moral overall is very low... agreed. People don't feel as valued or appreciated. The "fun" element doesn't seem to be there anymore

Yep, ive been here 10 years and it keeps getting worse. This company needs a major overhaul with positive people and a leadership style that can allow us to grow and work our territory the way WE WANT TO and not how our idiot DMs want us to! We would all be banking if this were the case, but instead we get managed, yes, managed by idiots.

I have been here almost 8 years. I felt more appreciated and needed my first two years. There is no more fun at Forest. The company continues to make more money every year and the more shitty they treat us. Time to hit the road.

Boo hoo, cry me a river. My manager isn't "motivating" me after ten years. You probably have a wife, a few kids (hopefully yours and not FM's), a mortgage and a car payment. And don't forget the 529's for the kids. If that's not motivating enough, who needs your sorry ass working here. What you need an "atta boy, and some FRxcellence points? Have some pride for christsakes! As for "Mr. Fun," it's called a job, sometimes it's not fun and you have to suck it up. Otherwise, go back to school and start your own fraternity like Old School and hang out with your boy Blue. I swear, I work with a bunch of pussies....get over yourselves! Now pile it on you worthless bitches.

I used to be one of you who said "suck it up or leave" and "boo hoo waaah" too. Yes, we are well compensated. Yes, this is a "great" job compared to most. I am thankful to have this job and understand why you would feel that way...but give it another few months or years-your perspective will change. Trust me. So many of us who feel the frustrations, lack of satisfaction, the "black cloud" hanging over us, all the things that these so called "babies" or "losers" have mentioned are ass kicking, hard working, cream of the crop reps. I know it is hard for you to understand this as you have yet to evolve into the stage you REALLY get how much BS there is. Sorry to inform you, you are not yet in the 5% who truly "get it".

Boo hoo, cry me a river. My manager isn't "motivating" me after ten years. You probably have a wife, a few kids (hopefully yours and not FM's), a mortgage and a car payment. And don't forget the 529's for the kids. If that's not motivating enough, who needs your sorry ass working here. What you need an "atta boy, and some FRxcellence points? Have some pride for christsakes! As for "Mr. Fun," it's called a job, sometimes it's not fun and you have to suck it up. Otherwise, go back to school and start your own fraternity like Old School and hang out with your boy Blue. I swear, I work with a bunch of pussies....get over yourselves! Now pile it on you worthless bitches.

arrogant small dick dm I'm sure go back to Avis or Kmart or whatever hellhole you sprung!