I think what you've said is accurate. Insurance is all about risk management and a significant part of that equation is your tolerance for risk. Your financial advisor is supposed to know well what that is in order to best serve your interests. It is true that your advisor could benefit financially from selling you an individual LTD policy, but it is also true that this individual policy could benefit you financially more than your group LTD, should you become disabled. As long as you're comfortable with the level of risk assumed, that's all that matters. You might ask your employer for their LTD claims administrator's claims approval ratio and compare that with the claims approval ratio of an insurer selling individual LTD policies. Just know that if you unfortunately suffer a disability that prevents you from being able to work, submitting a claim for LTD benefits may not initially result in an approval of LTD benefits. In fact, it may never result in an approval of LTD benefits. I advise all of my clients to build a 2 year reserve of assets to be used in an emergency where one is unable to work and has no income. This is a reasonable time frame consistent with what you've mentioned and provides you with the peace of mind that you will not be reliant on some dubious LTD claims administrator to approve your claim. YOU get to approve your claim. Best of luck! LTD insurers can go to hell from my experience.