Long Term Care


Long-term care is about providing medical services to patients with assistance from health professionals. The services provided under long-term care assist patients to access treatment for the ailments that affect them. Health options discussed in chapter five of “options for reducing the deficit” highlight the funding programs meant to boost quality care. The rising costs of health under the long-term care have strained health standards. Implementing the mandatory outlay program by the federal government will reduce the overall costs and meet the needs of patients. Adoption of mandatory outlay programs represents a federal initiative to fund health care and maintain standards. The following paper will discuss the long-term care and the proposed changes to reduce negative effects and deficit.

The services under the long-term care program determine the outcomes of patients’ health. The federal government has developed polices aimed at boosting health care and cutting costs. Mandatory outlay programs in health care address the escalating costs. Long-term care forms a major segment of the American health care system showing the importance of implementing changes.

Application of mandatory outlay on health care protects the interests of patients and maintains quality standards. Insurance premiums under mandatory outlay programs benefit patients by subsidizing agreements. The idea is to safeguard patient needs and reduce the cost of health care.

The rise in health care in relation to economic growth has created concerns about deficit reduction (Barczyk & Kredler, 2017). The federal government believes that mandatory outlay programs will cushion patients against unfair health polices, such as neglecting patients with preexisting conditions. Some insurers fail to pay accumulated premiums, which worsens the conditions of patients.

Strengthening the Affordable Care Act (ACA) shows the value of mandatory outlay programs and its effects on patient care. Mandatory programs under Obamacare ensure that patients receive care at reduced costs. Patients require essential health needs, showing the rationale of the ACA policies. The federal government forecasts that these protective mechanisms will drive the cost of health care down.

Markets that operate under the ACA matter as patients receive timely care. Insurance market subsidies will open opportunities for better patient care. The federal government expects mandatory outlays to cut health expenditure in the end. Before the passage of the ACA, patients suffered due to the insurance regulations that existed (Boyer, et al., 2017). The rollout of mandatory health outlays under the ACA will change the dimensions of health care in the future.

The estimates released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) indicate rising deficits driven by health-care costs. According to the CBO, mandatory outlay programs will meet patient needs conveniently. The implementation of the mandatory outlay program will enhance patient freedoms and choose plans that suit their condition. In the past, insurance companies dictated the health needs of patients (Congressional Budget Office, 2016). The federal policy of mandatory outlay promises an effective health-care system that puts the interests of patients first.

The discussion on long-term care and patient health shows the value of this service towards improving the conditions of patients. The problems faced under long-term care show the need for adopting changes to streamline the system. The highlighted mandatory outlay program has shown the importance of this federal policy in deficit reduction. Implementing the mandatory outlay program will support the ACA and raise health standards among patients. The proposed changes have shown the significance of this program in curbing the negative effects experienced by patients.


Barczyk, D., & Kredler, M. (2017). “Evaluating long-term-care policy options, taking the family seriously.” The Review of Economic Studies. Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/restud/art...aluating-Long-Term-Care-Policy-Options-Taking

Boyer, M., De Donder, P., Fluet, C., Leroux, M. L., & Michaud, P. C. (2017). “Long-Term Care Insurance: Knowledge Barriers, Risk Perception and Adverse Selection (No. w23918).” National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved from http://www.nber.org/papers/w23918

Congressional Budget Office (CBO). (2016). “Options for Reducing the Deficit: Chapter 5: Health Options. 2017-2026.” Congress of the United States Congressional B