LOL Nationl CC


Empowrment please Abby you insult our intelligence. You suck. It is dictorship of a mgrt team that doesnt have a clue. Your stress placed on the sales team is highly questiohable. Top managemtmet does not include cross functional teams.

Empowrment please Abby you insult our intelligence. You suck. It is dictorship of a mgrt team that doesnt have a clue. Your stress placed on the sales team is highly questiohable. Top managemtmet does not include cross functional teams.

huh? speak English please and proper spelling would be appreciated.

I can hear you saying this with you whiny fake voice. You are such slime. People like you are what brought this company down and made it a negative environment like so many failing pharma companies.

you are clearly a retarded person and probably have a severe learning disability, just like most people who work in this industry. You need to go back to Taco Bell and make some more fake-beef burritos.

Empowrment please Abby you insult our intelligence. You suck. It is dictorship of a mgrt team that doesnt have a clue. Your stress placed on the sales team is highly questiohable. Top managemtmet does not include cross functional teams.

Good God are you one dumb mother-fucker!! Do us all a favor and slit your fucking wrists!