Not a good situation at Rotech. I've worked for several companies over my career and I can honestly say this is the worst. Not because of service or the ongoing cash flow problem but because of the way employees are treatd and the demands put on them. The job market is tight and a lot of people are only here because of the lack of opportunities out there so senior management uses it to their advantage. In the locations the continuing demand for more hours and less pay is only generating animosity towards the company. When you continue to hear...Mr/Mrs. LCM, your down 2 PST's? Well then you will have to run a 10 hour route then come back and work your held items, adjustments, order equipment, clean the office, and confirm tickets. Oh! And don't forget to call all the patients that owe us and collect. And you Mr. PST. You worked all night and didn't get to sleep? That's too bad. Let's put you in a van with 250K miles on it with bad steering and brakes so you can work another 16 hour day. Oh yeah! You're also on call for the next 3 weeks. Good thing your location is on the CSC now. That way we can cut 2 CSR's and then have your 1 remaining do the work of 3 and clean up all the CSC's mistakes. Sound familiar anyone?
Experience tells me this a loser and I for one will continue to look for other opportunities. You should too. Best of luck to all.