local csr role to be eliminated


at last national managers meeting they informed some dm's of the eventual elimination of the local csr position. this of course spread to all the dm's. they haven't given a definitive time frame for this to happen. the position will be replaced by the call center. pps is trimming costs all around to boost profitability while expanding now to 40 states with the fusion of the company on the east coast. if you work for the company your dm already knows this. just speculation but doesn't it seem like they're becoming apria jr.? less and less customer care and more streamlining and cutting costs? hello publicly traded company!!!!!

So how will the pcc get their set up paper work done. By fax?

if you're interested in debating by baby talk we can do that but you obviously know by your comment that it's going to happen. ask me any question about the company and i will give you the answer. pps might be a big company but the internet is bigger and their competitors have better lawyers. i worked for the company and broke every law which was encouraged by my dm. correct me if i'm wrong but anyone who has worked for the company feels like they were treated like their worst gf or bf. i was at the meeting when this was told to us and so were you