Living the big lie for $400


What every pharmaceutical representative does these days. I just saw it confirmed on JEOPARDY!! Wouldn't it be nice if reps could organize/unite and refuse to play the physician call games that forces them to lie?

Um, Alex, I think that would be,"What do pharmaceutical sales representatives do?" Now that I think about it, I'll bet pharma reps have to lie just as much as used car salesman do, maybe even more!

Yeah, but it's a different kind of lying.
Pharmaceutical Sales Reps lie mostly to the company.
Used Car Sales people lie mostly to the customer.

Now that I think about it, a comment made to me years ago when I was going through IV's to get a job in pharma sales makes more sense to me. I had been in the banking industry and handled large sums of money. This one DM said to me, "well, at least I can count on your honesty!"

Now that I think about it, a comment made to me years ago when I was going through IV's to get a job in pharma sales makes more sense to me. I had been in the banking industry and handled large sums of money. This one DM said to me, "well, at least I can count on your honesty!"

That is sad commentary.

I spent 10 years lying to myself that I had a legitimate job with a real purpose. I lied to myself that it wasn't humiliating to drag lunch in to ungrateful offices and wait 60 minutes for a doc to give me 2. I lied to myself that it was normal for adult professionals to pass time sitting in their cars so they wouldn't arrive home too early.

Once I stopped lying to myself, all the other lies fell into place.

Been a rep for a long time. I do not lie.

Give the facts, infomation from the PI if needed, but mostly good customer service.

Bottom line. Many drugs can do the job, but each has a few extra pros and sometimes a few cons.

You present your product. They try it. It works. Patients like it. Situation improved. Sales are good, sales improve.

No need to lie if you are skilled at dealing with people. A lot of any business is do the customers like your product...and do they like you?

If they see you as a someone who lies....the business is lost. Forever lost.