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Living in a tent!


Please help. I need serious advice.

My brother lives in a upper middle class neighborhood in Northern VA and he recently saw that a family had put up a tent in the woods behind his house and live in it!

In the morning they get up and go to work and I guess drop the kids off at school then come back at night and sleep in the tent. So horrible and sad.

We obviously don't want to call the authorities on them or they'll lose their children.

Does anyone have any experience with this type of situation? Are there any private institutions that are available to handle and help destitute families?

Please help. I need serious advice.

My brother lives in a upper middle class neighborhood in Northern VA and he recently saw that a family had put up a tent in the woods behind his house and live in it!

In the morning they get up and go to work and I guess drop the kids off at school then come back at night and sleep in the tent. So horrible and sad.

We obviously don't want to call the authorities on them or they'll lose their children.

Does anyone have any experience with this type of situation? Are there any private institutions that are available to handle and help destitute families?

Duh! Winning. Call your church!
Signed, CS
PS How fucking dumb is your brother?

Clearly that was NOT written by CS...no way she would actually have any concrete advice. She would, however, have her Strat whipping boy call Bangalore to report the incident...

That is terribly sad! Honestly, I would probably let them stay there and ask them how I could help....provide them food, water, etc....we all need a helping hand at some point in our lives....and many of us are just one or two job losses away from being in a similar position. Ask youself, if it were you and your kids, how would you want others to respond?

Ok - so your brother was a little spooked about a family living in a tent. But yes, in
Virginia there a myriad of organizations that will assist this family. (It is entirely possible that they are unaware of the help that is available and fear that their family will be broken up.) One of the biggest in Northerm Virginia is Reston Interfaith. You can check them out on line.
Assuming your brother has calmed down he should walk out there, introduce himself and
offer whatever assistance he personally is able to provide.

Ok - so your brother was a little spooked about a family living in a tent. But yes, in
Virginia there a myriad of organizations that will assist this family. (It is entirely possible that they are unaware of the help that is available and fear that their family will be broken up.) One of the biggest in Northerm Virginia is Reston Interfaith. You can check them out on line.
Assuming your brother has calmed down he should walk out there, introduce himself and
offer whatever assistance he personally is able to provide.

Thank you. Finally an intelligent and helpful response.

Please help. I need serious advice.

My brother lives in a upper middle class neighborhood in Northern VA and he recently saw that a family had put up a tent in the woods behind his house and live in it!

In the morning they get up and go to work and I guess drop the kids off at school then come back at night and sleep in the tent. So horrible and sad.

We obviously don't want to call the authorities on them or they'll lose their children.

Does anyone have any experience with this type of situation? Are there any private institutions that are available to handle and help destitute families?

Throw a few cans of cat food out there...the kids will love it.

I'm sure most of the stupid responses are from just out of college 20 yr olds who have never had a serious problem to deal with in their tiny little lives. Except maybe where to buy the next keg.

Don't worry, children you will soon know what REAL problems are all about....

police issue. they can help get those folks some help. doc friend of mine had same situation....approached the people who went ballistic on her. said she had no right to personal property, blah, blah. had to have them forcibly removed

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