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Live with faith not fear...


Success in life depends on living a faith based life....

When life is driven by fear we crowd out our own potential....

How your think, how you see yourself helps shape your tomorrow...

Be positive in your thoughts and actions, see yourself stepping into the tomorrow you want to create...



Success in life depends on living a faith based life....

When life is driven by fear we crowd out our own potential....

How your think, how you see yourself helps shape your tomorrow...

Be positive in your thoughts and actions, see yourself stepping into the tomorrow you want to create...


Keep saying all that to yourself when you get the layoff call.

Success in life depends on living a faith based life....

When life is driven by fear we crowd out our own potential....

How your think, how you see yourself helps shape your tomorrow...

Be positive in your thoughts and actions, see yourself stepping into the tomorrow you want to create...


Correct except the first line.

Amen, Original Poster. I'd like to add....DO NOT put your faith in Merck or any other company or human being. If you do, you will surely be disappointed. Put your faith in God, and He will provide. May God bless us as we enter this time of uncertainty with our jobs.

Amen, Original Poster. I'd like to add....DO NOT put your faith in Merck or any other company or human being. If you do, you will surely be disappointed. Put your faith in God, and He will provide. May God bless us as we enter this time of uncertainty with our jobs.

It has been postulated that the evolutionary benefit of religion (and hence of all things faith-related) was to motivate members to perform otherwise suicidal acts, such as going into battle. And those that had this faith in buckets were more likely to form truly formidable raiding groups when requested to do so by their rulers. And all to the detriment of those other groups, the individuals of which each merely looked after their own asses and hence could be divided and conquered. And, as a side benefit, the almost suicidal aggressive behavior that was so beneficial during raiding times could be controlled by rites, rituals, and religion by the those same ruling social classes back home. OK to have such a useful behavior-modifying religious faith in the face of threats. And frankly it is this same illogical suicidal behavior that is so galling to Western strategists when faced with fundamentalist Islamic terrorist behavior.

But I fail to see how any version of this same religious faith has a monopoly on motivating one to figure out a strategy to survive modern American capitalism. The docile, complacent behavior side of the equation simply seems unnecessary and counterproductive. Merck and its managing agents simply do not have your personal interests on their agenda. Realize that and then put most of your faith in having a backup employment plan. God will surely thank you when you can still drop some coins in the collection plate at services on the weekend. But your security will be no thanks to Merck, for sure. Modern faith is almost all about docile behavior. Modern American capitalism is almost all about building situation where you need to watch your backside. And to keep a fallback employment plan ready to implement.

Poster 8 suggests that God is the answer and Poster 9 seems to rely on science to provide support. How ironic that they both work for a company that talks some powerful fluff but seems to neither behave with great morality nor boldly support science. Merck's religion is neither science nor faith. It is legal maneuvering and financial hijinks. Those both are arts that are closer to illogic and satan worshipping I say.

It has been postulated that the evolutionary benefit of religion (and hence of all things faith-related) was to motivate members to perform otherwise suicidal acts, such as going into battle. And those that had this faith in buckets were more likely to form truly formidable raiding groups when requested to do so by their rulers. And all to the detriment of those other groups, the individuals of which each merely looked after their own asses and hence could be divided and conquered. And, as a side benefit, the almost suicidal aggressive behavior that was so beneficial during raiding times could be controlled by rites, rituals, and religion by the those same ruling social classes back home. OK to have such a useful behavior-modifying religious faith in the face of threats. And frankly it is this same illogical suicidal behavior that is so galling to Western strategists when faced with fundamentalist Islamic terrorist behavior.

But I fail to see how any version of this same religious faith has a monopoly on motivating one to figure out a strategy to survive modern American capitalism. The docile, complacent behavior side of the equation simply seems unnecessary and counterproductive. Merck and its managing agents simply do not have your personal interests on their agenda. Realize that and then put most of your faith in having a backup employment plan. God will surely thank you when you can still drop some coins in the collection plate at services on the weekend. But your security will be no thanks to Merck, for sure. Modern faith is almost all about docile behavior. Modern American capitalism is almost all about building situation where you need to watch your backside. And to keep a fallback employment plan ready to implement.

It's silly to have faith but do nothing but ask people to pray for you. That was part of what we discussed today at church. God will be with you but you ought to explore Plan B, seek employment elsewhere if Merck gets too nasty, etc. Faith kept me well grounded when Merck is chaotic and at times crazy and ruthless...

Because to assert that you can only have faith in a 'God' (higher power, etc) is simply not true. Plenty of atheists are productive members of society with great faith in life for things besides the existence of a religious being.

Live and let live and have faith that your beliefs, whatever they may be, will lead you through the life of your choosing.

How can one not BELIEVE IN GOD ? I am perplexed by the bright people who continue to mock the thought of GOD. Look at creation, the establishment of the Church (martyrs, apostles, et al) and all the Miracles. Just google Fatima, Lourdes, Medjugorje, Guadalupe etc. and open your mind & your heart. As Jesus said to Thomas..."do not be unbelieving, but BELIEVE" God will never let you down. This life is short and the only failure in this life ...is the failure to achieve eternal life.

I believe in god but most Churches are dirty organizations. A priest should get married. To take a vow of celibacy, your just asking for trouble. The only organization better than Merck at hiding the truth is the Church.

How can one not BELIEVE IN GOD ? I am perplexed by the bright people who continue to mock the thought of GOD. Look at creation, the establishment of the Church (martyrs, apostles, et al) and all the Miracles. Just google Fatima, Lourdes, Medjugorje, Guadalupe etc. and open your mind & your heart. As Jesus said to Thomas..."do not be unbelieving, but BELIEVE" God will never let you down. This life is short and the only failure in this life ...is the failure to achieve eternal life.

Appreciate your comment about failure. Puts things nicely in perspective.

There are more important things to worry about in life than working for some company you hate. It seems a lot of people on here do not like this company. Move on and be happy. And pass some of whatever you are smoking this way.

How can one not BELIEVE IN GOD ? I am perplexed by the bright people who continue to mock the thought of GOD. Look at creation, the establishment of the Church (martyrs, apostles, et al) and all the Miracles. Just google Fatima, Lourdes, Medjugorje, Guadalupe etc. and open your mind & your heart. As Jesus said to Thomas..."do not be unbelieving, but BELIEVE" God will never let you down. This life is short and the only failure in this life ...is the failure to achieve eternal life.

You speak the truth....
Matthew 16:26
What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?.....

Don't get caught up with the mundane folks.....nothing is more important than eternity. As we get older we see how short and fleeting life really is....

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