Live Strong


I just watched the documentary about the Lance Armstrong Lie on HBO. I hope all of you at Amgen that supported this low life and his lying, cheating, and almost gangsterlike activities are very proud. I know I would be.

Yes , he was a role model for the devious. He ruined the lives of many, in his climb to the top.
It took a long time for him to fess up.
It would be interesting to study his tissues to see the long term affects of EPO, but who knows what dosage he was using. Who was watching his hematocrit levels? He would have made a nice guinea pig for testing.
Since he had cancer, was he taking Neupo later also?
One might wonder if the EPO was assisting tumor growth.

Yes. Everything Amgen touches turns to crap. Check out the level of Phil Mickelson's play since he made a deal with the devil. He used to average 3-4 wins a year. Now he's lucky to get 1 per year.

Come on people wake up! How else do think you get to the top? Through hard work? I suck up to TH and BB. I'll perform any act that they request. I'm good to the last drop. RH

Don't forget that when he was doping most of the other riders were doing it too. Not defending him but just stating a fact. Look at the names.

If your not defending him then what is your point. Is that what you will tell Compliance? "Yes, I allowed the doctor's wife to attend the program but that's only because the AbbVie reps are all doing it and I can't compete". If you know the rules and your break them anyway then you get what you get. Lance is even worse for destroying anyone that tried to expose him.