Little Rock CSR


Interviewing for the Little Rock CSR position after the New Year and wanted a little feedback if possible.

#1) Any knowledge of the LR market. Positives/Negatives
#2) If you know the local manager, can you comment on him/her.
#3) Is the turnover really on average 1 year? I cannot imagine how the company can continue to grow and make profits when they are always losing cases because of a lack of coverage as well as the time commitment to train new reps. Please comment.

Thanks for honest, helpful comments.

Let me start by saying that if you are currently in a position that you enjoy and you make decent money and have a good work life balance, the move isn't worth it. I am currently with ISI and have been for the last 5 years... my stock options are why I am still here (my early options to be more specific... last 3 aren't worth anything.) Those days are gone and the lure of stock is no longer effective. I am not sure who the Little Rock CSM is but I am willing to bet they haven't been there long, nor will they be. The turnover is exactly what you have heard for good reason and the company continues to grow because they are beginning to overhire and bench reps to fill the vacated positions more quickly... the next CAST training class is going to push 100 new reps... my class was less than 30 (3 of us are still here) I'm sure you have read or heard about what you are trying to get into... please read robo1's posting under culture at ISI... by far the most accurate and spot on description of what we deal with daily. Of course better and worse depending on the area and current manager so best of luck in that roulette game! You've been fairly warned!

Ta ta!

Well, to add to the above post, if you are comfortable with what you are making now and have a life outside of work, this may not be the right gig. The culture here is draconian and expect your manager to call every day and want to know where you are, what you are doing, and what you plan to do next. Expect them to be pushing you to train EVERY GYN in your territory. Don’t get me wrong, GYN is our growth area, however not in every market. Many GYNs do 5 cases per year and have no business getting on the robot. A good question to ask the CSM in the interview: Based on the hospitals that I cover what GYNs are there and what is the current lap and open volume? Also ask who the top benign GYNs are in the territory that are doing more than 40 cases per year (these would be surgeons that are not using the robot). If he/she can’t answer there questions, there is the first red flag. Also ask how long they have been a CSM and what happened to there predecessor. If this question is ignored, there is your second red flag. Ask what the turnover rate is in the district and region and what is the average tenure of the CSRs in the area, your third red flag.

Are you still interested? Remember, you have been warned TWICE.


Your manager will call you daily, usually multiple times, this is spot on accurate. In addition you will have multiple conference calls and reports do each week. Not just cake reports, really specific, micromanaging reports 3-4 per week.

There's a huge disconnect between the company and end users of the product, the end users like the technology and will use it when there is a benefit, the company thinks it should be used for everywhere, so the stock price will go up, not necessarily for the clinical benefit. Your mgr will call you every day to pressure you and ask you how many procedures you have booked for the week, when it is 2 more then the previous week, they will pressure you for more.

The turnover for the CSR position on average is 1 year, often times the reps come and go inside of 3-6 months.

If you make decent money, pay your bills and can save and have a life, do not take this job.

You wil have no life, you will be miserable, the hiring managers will say this is all bs. It is not. Talk with a few current and former Intuitive reps before taking this job.


Your manager will call you daily, usually multiple times, this is spot on accurate. In addition you will have multiple conference calls and reports do each week. Not just cake reports, really specific, micromanaging reports 3-4 per week.

There's a huge disconnect between the company and end users of the product, the end users like the technology and will use it when there is a benefit, the company thinks it should be used for everywhere, so the stock price will go up, not necessarily for the clinical benefit. Your mgr will call you every day to pressure you and ask you how many procedures you have booked for the week, when it is 2 more then the previous week, they will pressure you for more.

The turnover for the CSR position on average is 1 year, often times the reps come and go inside of 3-6 months.

If you make decent money, pay your bills and can save and have a life, do not take this job.

You wil have no life, you will be miserable, the hiring managers will say this is all bs. It is not. Talk with a few current and former Intuitive reps before taking this job.

This is all BS


Your manager will call you daily, usually multiple times, this is spot on accurate. In addition you will have multiple conference calls and reports do each week. Not just cake reports, really specific, micromanaging reports 3-4 per week.

There's a huge disconnect between the company and end users of the product, the end users like the technology and will use it when there is a benefit, the company thinks it should be used for everywhere, so the stock price will go up, not necessarily for the clinical benefit. Your mgr will call you every day to pressure you and ask you how many procedures you have booked for the week, when it is 2 more then the previous week, they will pressure you for more.

The turnover for the CSR position on average is 1 year, often times the reps come and go inside of 3-6 months.

If you make decent money, pay your bills and can save and have a life, do not take this job.

You wil have no life, you will be miserable, the hiring managers will say this is all bs. It is not. Talk with a few current and former Intuitive reps before taking this job.

Take it from an inside CSR, this is all too True.

The new manager in the Little Rock area is great and is an asset to the team. You can take down this thread now. The Arkansas team is doing phenomenal and on pace for an amazing year. They just added a CSR in the AR Northeast, who is off to an amazing start from what we hear. 3 new Greenfields (hospitals who just bought robots) in that state in the past 2 months. Congrats guys!

Thanks for the information....
Now; go finger yourself, you anonymous message board tough guy. Weasels that are afraid of their own shadows can be anything they want to be online. Puss.