anybody found a travel file or some kind of literature organizer that works well in the Escapes? Having trouble finding shelves and organizers to make the best of the room in this car.
Haven't you heard... you can get that kind of stuff at Merial's company store. They have travel files custom built for their different company cars. You can also pick up other nifty items from your company store, like a Merial coffee thermos, a Merial cell phone, staplers... and a clue. You sound like a pretty strong problem-solver... an independent go-getter that can think on their feet. Good luck to you.
Thanks for the tip. I'm not aware of a company store that does this kind of configuration for us. Can you give me a phone extension or website where I can get more info? Is this only available in GA or are there other places located nationaly where we can get the company cars configured professionally?
Wow!!! The last 2 posters couldn't be more clueless. Last Call's comments were obviously a joke. Keep on running on that treadmill, and maybe you'll get another treat. Meanwhile, I think I will go to Walmart or CVS to pick up some more HeartGard and Frontline. How do Merial reps feel about big national consumer chains like these selling your products?
Hey, do the world a favor....while you're at CVS, pick up something lethal and ingest it. Then die. We need one less smart ass drug-rep-wanna-be out here. If you hate the profession and those who work it so much, apply for a job while you're at Walmart or CVS. Oh, SORRY...they want qualified people..guess that leaves YOU out.
That's not very nice... nibble, nibble, nibble, cough, grunt... thud. I've been in this market doing very well against reps like you that so easily lose their cool with just a few anonymous words on a waste-of-time thread like this. The right literature organizer will absolutely get you to the promised land. nibble, nibble, nibble...
If you are doing so well, then why do you sound so angry?
In reply to the original poster, my suggestion is to park your car in front of Staples or OfficeMax and buy one of every shelving unit that they have. Hopefully you will find a configuration that works. Good Luck and hopefully you can trade that thing in and get something bigger!
Finally. This was more trouble than i thought but my vets offices look killer with their new and improved client brochure holders!....Now it is time to focus on the 73 and Philip!....let's not forget Shotgun Willi's either.