Liposcience = Traitors


Does anyone still work with these clowns? In the past week I've had 2 offices tell me that the liposcience rep came in with a rep from a small regional lab to basically take business from me...WTF

Does anyone still work with these clowns? In the past week I've had 2 offices tell me that the liposcience rep came in with a rep from a small regional lab to basically take business from me...WTF

Why wouldn't they team up wth another company?

Labcorp reps are a JOKE and can't sell worth a crap.....

The root cause is Most customers Hate LabCorp. They like the NMR test and if they can get it from another lab, why not ?

They are not Traitors, I know several of them and they do not want to get involved in flipping business. They have a quota just like everyone else in Sales.

Typical LabCorp B.S.

Who is HDL? You posted at 2:30 am so maybe too much eggnog? Lol - don't start yelling at me, I'm teasing you.

HDL = high density lipoprotein.

No numb nuts. HDL in this case is a bunch of sleaze sales reps that sell cardio testing. I am not sure if they even have a lab. I think they just broker testing.

HDL= Health Diagnostic Labs.

Blue Wave Consultants market the test, along with Singulex. Yes, a bunch of sleaze bag reps, go into offices and promise big P&H reimbursements which, to me, sounds extremely illegal. They are paying offices duplicate draw fees and fees that are greater than what Stark allows. I wish some of these insurance companies would realize this and slam them. BlueWave is also giving kickbacks to MD offices if they order larger lab panels.

HDL is a real lab based in VA (?). They are a copy cat lab of Berkeley Heart Labs--all of the head honchos are former Berkely big wigs that got canned.

Don't you get it ? Only LabCorp can break the rules. Competitors are supposed to bow down when they pull the Compliance Card. If and only if LipoScience are selling on their own, is because customers hate LabCorp. Quest does not offer NMR and you have to go to a regional lab to get it. Competition is good for our industry.

Yes they are traitors.. how dare they go in with reps that the clients like and respect who work for a company the clients likes. How dare they not do the job for the labcorp HS dropouts. How dare they make me sell this thing myself... I can barely spell the test darn it. Doesn't everyone love Labcorp??? Thats what I was told when I took the job. I thought this was a big step up from being a greeter at Walmart, now it seems not so much.

Phlebs are permitted under stark safe harbor, processing fees are specifically spelled out as a no,no in NJ/NY specifically and several other states too. All of them that have 3rd party bill only rules.

These guys get big commission checks from BIOREF as 1099, same with Excel, BIOD, etc...

Does anyone still work with these clowns? In the past week I've had 2 offices tell me that the liposcience rep came in with a rep from a small regional lab to basically take business from me...WTF

Welp.... I quoted the first thread, I did not know NMR was still out there? Are they or are they not proven inadequate, therefore they are now part of a reflex test mix? Is there NEW data that proves NMR.... ????PLEASE TELL US ALL THE MAGIC FORMULA>>>>>> if you were walking across the highway, would you worry about the cars or the people in the cars.......


Phlebs are permitted under stark safe harbor, processing fees are specifically spelled out as a no,no in NJ/NY specifically and several other states too. All of them that have 3rd party bill only rules.

These guys get big commission checks from BIOREF as 1099, same with Excel, BIOD, etc...

You need to do some more homework.

That is so BS. Dude, you might find it common, but it is NOT legal.

Safe Harbor Regulations on renumeration for personal services is on page 725, section "d".

Safe Harbor regulations also allow rental of space in a doctor's office or hospital as long as the elements in the above link are met for that too. Page 724 section "b".

It's amazing how many people at the big box labs do not know the law.

Homework done.

How do you know their agreements don't satisfy the requirements? Have you read any of them? Not that I have, but it seems there are quite a few companies who do it. I find it hard to believe they are all breaking the law. I know some offer phlebs or processing fees.