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Linzess Reps Making Claims They Can't Back Up!


I was covering my GI facility on Friday the 17th (I’m an anesthesiologist)..and our lunch was provided by Linzess rep. Some Quotes from the rep “There are no side effects!” “Drug levels are undetectable in the blood!” “No problems or restriction in children 6 & older”. “We are cheaper than OTC laxatives!” The rep had several products btw.
Same rep several products is a better model...he touched on all his products while at lunch.
The Linzess drug reps are being a bit blatant in their disinformation/ education of their product. No mention of competitors except OTC. JUST a pure selling .... sigh. Tough market! The GI guys did not ask for any comparatives versus Trulance etc.....probably out of deference to the rep providing lunch. Oh last thing “new 72mg dose is the OTC equivalent”


I was covering my GI facility on Friday the 17th (I’m an anesthesiologist)..and our lunch was provided by Linzess rep. Some Quotes from the rep “There are no side effects!” “Drug levels are undetectable in the blood!” “No problems or restriction in children 6 & older”. “We are cheaper than OTC laxatives!” The rep had several products btw.
Same rep several products is a better model...he touched on all his products while at lunch.
The Linzess drug reps are being a bit blatant in their disinformation/ education of their product. No mention of competitors except OTC. JUST a pure selling .... sigh. Tough market! The GI guys did not ask for any comparatives versus Trulance etc.....probably out of deference to the rep providing lunch. Oh last thing “new 72mg dose is the OTC equivalent”

Lol....you’re not an anesthesiologist!!! You’re a Trulance rep. Nice try!!!

I call BS on this post. Everyone knows, especially gatros because they've used it so much, what the side effects are and to say there are none is rediculous no matter what drug you sell.

I was covering my GI facility on Friday the 17th (I’m an anesthesiologist)..and our lunch was provided by Linzess rep. Some Quotes from the rep “There are no side effects!” “Drug levels are undetectable in the blood!” “No problems or restriction in children 6 & older”. “We are cheaper than OTC laxatives!” The rep had several products btw.
Same rep several products is a better model...he touched on all his products while at lunch.
The Linzess drug reps are being a bit blatant in their disinformation/ education of their product. No mention of competitors except OTC. JUST a pure selling .... sigh. Tough market! The GI guys did not ask for any comparatives versus Trulance etc.....probably out of deference to the rep providing lunch. Oh last thing “new 72mg dose is the OTC equivalent”

I was covering my GI facility on Friday the 17th (I’m an anesthesiologist)..and our lunch was provided by Linzess rep. Some Quotes from the rep “There are no side effects!” “Drug levels are undetectable in the blood!” “No problems or restriction in children 6 & older”. “We are cheaper than OTC laxatives!” The rep had several products btw.
Same rep several products is a better model...he touched on all his products while at lunch.
The Linzess drug reps are being a bit blatant in their disinformation/ education of their product. No mention of competitors except OTC. JUST a pure selling .... sigh. Tough market! The GI guys did not ask for any comparatives versus Trulance etc.....probably out of deference to the rep providing lunch. Oh last thing “new 72mg dose is the OTC equivalent”

The claim of no side effects is incorrect. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, and abdominal foster ion are the top SEs.
Linzess is non-systemic, however, reps are trained to say its low-systemic.
Linzess is only indicated for adults and if commercial patients are given a 90 day $30 copay card, it is in fact cheaper than OTCs. For Medicaid patients, Linzess carries a $0-$7 copay, which is also cheaper than OTCs.
If you want to talk about Linzess vs. Trulance...while there are no head to head studies, Trulance is a half me-too drug in that it works in the small intestine like Linzess, however, not in the colon (which Linzess does). Both mimic the natural hormone guanaline that is responsible for the process of having a bowel movement.
As far as diarrhea, Trulance measured diarrhea in week 4 of its trials and defined diarrhea as bothersome, whereas Linzess studies measured diarrhea after week one and define it as loose stool. So naturally, Trulance would have lower diarrhea numbers because 1) loose stool is much less severe than bothersome diarrhea and 2) diarrhea with Linzess subsides between a week to two weeks. Knowing that, Trulance chose to measure diarrhea well after two weeks to create the illusion that there’s less diarrhea when in fact, the measurements weren’t apples to apples. But I ask you...what constipated person wouldn’t welcome diarrhea anyhow???

The claim of no side effects is incorrect. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, and abdominal foster ion are the top SEs.
Linzess is non-systemic, however, reps are trained to say its low-systemic.
Linzess is only indicated for adults and if commercial patients are given a 90 day $30 copay card, it is in fact cheaper than OTCs. For Medicaid patients, Linzess carries a $0-$7 copay, which is also cheaper than OTCs.
If you want to talk about Linzess vs. Trulance...while there are no head to head studies, Trulance is a half me-too drug in that it works in the small intestine like Linzess, however, not in the colon (which Linzess does). Both mimic the natural hormone guanaline that is responsible for the process of having a bowel movement.
As far as diarrhea, Trulance measured diarrhea in week 4 of its trials and defined diarrhea as bothersome, whereas Linzess studies measured diarrhea after week one and define it as loose stool. So naturally, Trulance would have lower diarrhea numbers because 1) loose stool is much less severe than bothersome diarrhea and 2) diarrhea with Linzess subsides between a week to two weeks. Knowing that, Trulance chose to measure diarrhea well after two weeks to create the illusion that there’s less diarrhea when in fact, the measurements weren’t apples to apples. But I ask you...what constipated person wouldn’t welcome diarrhea anyhow???
Spoken like the true King of Diarrhea.

This thread is the saddest attempt by a trulance rep so far. Posing as an anesthesiologist?

Look, we are all really sorry you took a job selling trulance, we can all agree it sucks. Synergys cash churn is high and completely unsustainable, we can all agree that sucks too. And really, honestly you kind of suck. I’d spend more time polishing that resume and less time on CF posing as an anesthesiologist.

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