LinkedIn Laughing Stock


Anyone else enjoying the congratulations speeches on LinkedIn to themselves ha. I would like to congratulate myself for my big win in a year that was all luck and no skill...did anyone ask...wait no I didn’t ask and don’t care...such an embarrassment and attention seeking nonsense.

Do you ever wonder why there are so many openings on LinkedIn? Because there is a lot of turnover, and the smart and better employees move on to more pay and better manged companies. No one wants to stay here. It’s soul destroying.

Anyone else enjoying the congratulations speeches on LinkedIn to themselves ha. I would like to congratulate myself for my big win in a year that was all luck and no skill...did anyone ask...wait no I didn’t ask and don’t care...such an embarrassment and attention seeking nonsense.

Loser talk. Get off CP and do your job and you’ll start accomplishing something, beta loser.

I would like to congratulate myself on LinkedIn for landing a new job that was all luck and no skill...did anyone ask...wait no I didn’t ask and don’t care...such an embarrassment and attention seeking nonsense. Why do ex-Galderma losers feel the need to stay relevant?

I would like to congratulate myself on LinkedIn for landing a new job that was all luck and no skill...did anyone ask...wait no I didn’t ask and don’t care...such an embarrassment and attention seeking nonsense. Why do ex-Galderma losers feel the need to stay relevant?
Only 3rd league companies and employees post on LinkedIn. Get a real job ;)