I think everyone endorse FO for Mergers and Acquisitions on LinkedIn. Imagine the hilarity.
LinkedIn should be renamed Fairy Tales for good boys and girls.
Half the shit these losers post is pure fabrication, bullshit, and lies.
It is their wish list of what I want to be when I grow up.
This crap filled with all the meaningless buzzwords and power phrases is why this world is going to hell. It's all facade, smoke and mirrors, ass kissers, and yes sirs.
Go along to get along was the phrase I heard in my early career. LinkedIn is a pile of shit making some web master a lot of money. Believe the shit you read there and I've got some swamp land I'd like to sell you.
Totally agree. Such a bunch of bs. Cousins endorsing cousins. Rude recruiters bugging you all day long trying to see your connections. Idiots calling you to interview for jobs that never come into fruition because the US job market is in a freaking paralysis and no one makes a decision on hiring until they are desperate. This ensures that whatever job you accept will be hell on earth. People who link in with you just to drive up their connections to try to look sought after. It is ridiculous. Scammers abound with crapass conferences and schools offering certifications on how to file your nails or push keyboard keys.