For that matter any drug, not just for diabetes II.
Cancer - 3-6
Diabetes - 2-3
blood pressure -2-4
anti-chol: 1-2
See, the trend is to become Pablo Escrobaire! Push more drug in the mouth of illiterate people...say we make them live longer or longer with quality life. Population stats show quite opposite. Placebo effect alone is as effective as drugs. All drugs do is to remove unobservable "guiding" doctors (or your fucking use of "health care provider") to "see" what pharmaceuticals tell them to "see." More than 45% adverse side effects remain unreported due to too busy health care provider, or FDA cannot act because they have no way to act.
By 2100, this numbers could be in excess of 50 drugs combo (in ultra sweetened condensed milk, icecream or whey slurry) - ed, blood pressure, headache, antichol, anticlot, vomiting, sleeplessness, premature ejct, syphilis, aids, hpv, hsvI&II, hemorrhoids, yeast infection, anti-fart...
OR, eat well, sleep well and walk 3 miles per day. Don't work at drug pushers.