Limits, Greed, and an AR-15


The push is huge. The amount that this place will take more and more and more from people knows no limits. This is the highest, most slash and burn pace I have ever seen in any of the companies I have worked for. It's costing us excellent talent and demoralizing everyone. This leadership team is running this place at an unsustainable rate so that they can get their annual bonuses and leave before the company implodes or gets shut down for cutting corners.

Maybe I'm wrong about their reasons. Maybe they want to make us attractive enough to sell to the next company. Regardless here's the reality of the situation: people are pushed to their limits. The real problem with pushing folks into this manic overdrive is that eventually someone is going to crack. Top management believe their own bullshit so, I wouldn't expect them to see this coming. But I'm honestly confused why more people aren't paranoid about someone coming in and unloading an AR-15 into anyone with the stupid blue pool store logo on their badge.

If you think about it this is costing people their long term relationships, their careers, their sleep, their piece of mind... I know one guy who's losing his wife and kids over this bullshit. I know a person who has poured decades into this company just to be commanded to basically scrub floors or get fired. All we get is pushed pushed pushed, and then punished. Think about it. Someone will snap. Maybe not today, but someone will. It's what nerds do.

I guess that's the invisible hand of the market correcting things? I hope no one dies for this shit, because there is always a limit. Hopefully we don't see it.

Until things change I'll be parking closer in, walking faster, and staying away from crowds.

The push is huge. The amount that this place will take more and more and more from people knows no limits. This is the highest, most slash and burn pace I have ever seen in any of the companies I have worked for. It's costing us excellent talent and demoralizing everyone. This leadership team is running this place at an unsustainable rate so that they can get their annual bonuses and leave before the company implodes or gets shut down for cutting corners.

Maybe I'm wrong about their reasons. Maybe they want to make us attractive enough to sell to the next company. Regardless here's the reality of the situation: people are pushed to their limits. The real problem with pushing folks into this manic overdrive is that eventually someone is going to crack. Top management believe their own bullshit so, I wouldn't expect them to see this coming. But I'm honestly confused why more people aren't paranoid about someone coming in and unloading an AR-15 into anyone with the stupid blue pool store logo on their badge.

If you think about it this is costing people their long term relationships, their careers, their sleep, their piece of mind... I know one guy who's losing his wife and kids over this bullshit. I know a person who has poured decades into this company just to be commanded to basically scrub floors or get fired. All we get is pushed pushed pushed, and then punished. Think about it. Someone will snap. Maybe not today, but someone will. It's what nerds do.

I guess that's the invisible hand of the market correcting things? I hope no one dies for this shit, because there is always a limit. Hopefully we don't see it.

Until things change I'll be parking closer in, walking faster, and staying away from crowds.

Lazy lazy lazy Americans. Complain about work while barely doing anything. You got a job and they pay your wage so you can eat. So what if the work isn't fun or easy. Do what your boss says. You are a worker and you can be replaced. Your job is on the line and you are complaining about everything instead of just working harder to prove yourself. How in the hell is the company growing to grow if everybody complains and quits when it is time to work hard? You people are pathetic.