Limbaugh rips into Faux "all star" panel


Looks like the fat one got whacked with a 9 iron during his recent debacle with Hank Haney.
The fat one is a lousy golfer, who dresses like he robbed christ mission of donated clothing
No matter, he is now railing against FNC
I want to see him try to match brain power with Charles Krauthammer.
Charlie the K will beat him until the fat falls off.

Looks like the fat one got whacked with a 9 iron during his recent debacle with Hank Haney.
The fat one is a lousy golfer, who dresses like he robbed christ mission of donated clothing
No matter, he is now railing against FNC
I want to see him try to match brain power with Charles Krauthammer.
Charlie the K will beat him until the fat falls off.

If you actually watched FNC on a regular basis you would understand that the "All Star Panel" changes every week. There is almost always at least one left-winger on there for balance.

Of course, Huff Po is widely known for journalistic integrity.

Nonetheless, I find it interesting that the most horrible thing you can find to say against Limbaugh is that he is fat.

He's an entertainer who gets paid for gtetting angry and blowing it. It's a vicarious thrill for some people.

Beyond that, I sure would like to do his wife. Ooh la la !

Yes, Rush is an entertainer, but he is far, far more than just an entertainer. He is a major political and social force in this nation.

Rush isn't angry. He's one of the most joyful and laughing people you will find.

He has great fun destroying liberals every day on his show!

You tried to dismiss Rush and only wound up dismissing yourself!:D

If Rush were merely an "entertainer" that Libtahds always try to categorize him as, they wouldn't have spent the last 3 decades and hundreds of millions of dollars to try to get him off the air, or bitch and whine about him so much.

Like this thread for example.:rolleyes: