
I've been a contractor for 6 months now at Lilly. I've heard nothing but horror stories about the CIO. Friday I decided to attend the IT town hall do see what this ruthless troll had to say. I have to say that I was favorably impressed. He seemed nothing like all the stories I had heard. He was very polite, articulate and seemed to have a very clear vision. From now on I'm no longer going to listen to the Lilly rumor mill. It has no links to the real world.

I've been a contractor for 6 months now at Lilly. I've heard nothing but horror stories about the CIO. Friday I decided to attend the IT town hall do see what this ruthless troll had to say. I have to say that I was favorably impressed. He seemed nothing like all the stories I had heard. He was very polite, articulate and seemed to have a very clear vision. From now on I'm no longer going to listen to the Lilly rumor mill. It has no links to the real world.

Uhhhhhhh, you must have come to the town hall a little late. That was our new CIO who just started a week ago. This was his first town hall meeting. He was impressive, but you did not see the guy that everyone has been telling you about. He will be retiring in about a month.