Lilly vs. BI FDE jobs- Lilly is more professional


I have spoken with BI's recruiters for the fixed duration job calling on Endos. I have also interviewed with Lilly (and I'm still in the running with both). I have to say that Lilly has handled the mass hiring way more professionally than BI. The outsourced recruiters that BI is using are way too busy to handle things well. Very disorganized. The hiring and training is being done in batches and is very confusing. Lilly is doing everything at once. Maybe a little impersonal at times, but at least it's focused and works like a well oiled machine.

BI recruiters were given a very rigid profile to hire under (only accept 5 years diab experience with at least 3 yrs calling on endos), while Lilly is much more open in their minimum qualifications needed to call on primary care docs. Diabetes experience is not a requirement but is preferable, as it should be.

I predict that Lilly will get the better talent and BI will end up with a bunch of ex-Takeda reps that were not the most stellar performers. So if you work for Lilly, watch out because the BI FDE endocrinology sales force won't as sharp as the FDE primary care reps with Lilly. Scary thought.