LIlly Sales Assessment ...?


Whats the deal? Lilly formerly had an experience test requirement. Now you can apply without the test assessment???????? Took it a few times and passed but my results P/F are not even listed......

They only want you if you are straight out of school. If you have experience look elsewhere. Lilly is not the same company it once was.

This is true. During my tenure at Lilly my DM only hired younger individuals in their 20's. I was the last "older person" to be hired and I'm only 38. The 5 people after me were all in the low 20's. I noticed the same trend with surrounding districts too. It's really not fare (please spare me the life isn't fare speach).

Each time there was an open position on my team I reached out to my DM and gave him some solid references, but nope, he went with the 22 year old every time. I'm worried what happens when I'm 45 or 50 or 55 or 60. There's no way a pharmaceutical will hire me over some 22 year old that was captain of the cheerleading squad in college or some football star. Ugh

Your are spot on. There are a handful of companies left that value experience and are willing to pay for it but we are not one of them. As tenured reps get managed out we will be replaced with capable twenty somethings willing to work for peanuts and a car allowance. They have no idea that they too will be managed out quickly once they start to develop relationships and realize that they are worth much more. Welcome to the new Lilly! Exciting times are here to stay.

This is true. During my tenure at Lilly my DM only hired younger individuals in their 20's. I was the last "older person" to be hired and I'm only 38. The 5 people after me were all in the low 20's. I noticed the same trend with surrounding districts too. It's really not fare (please spare me the life isn't fare speach).

Each time there was an open position on my team I reached out to my DM and gave him some solid references, but nope, he went with the 22 year old every time. I'm worried what happens when I'm 45 or 50 or 55 or 60. There's no way a pharmaceutical will hire me over some 22 year old that was captain of the cheerleading squad in college or some football star. Ugh

It might have been your unforgivable misspellings.

This is true. During my tenure at Lilly my DM only hired younger individuals in their 20's. I was the last "older person" to be hired and I'm only 38. The 5 people after me were all in the low 20's. I noticed the same trend with surrounding districts too. It's really not fare (please spare me the life isn't fare speach).

Each time there was an open position on my team I reached out to my DM and gave him some solid references, but nope, he went with the 22 year old every time. I'm worried what happens when I'm 45 or 50 or 55 or 60. There's no way a pharmaceutical will hire me over some 22 year old that was captain of the cheerleading squad in college or some football star. Ugh

You are speaking untruths. I know people who are way past their 20s hired at Lilly and other major companies...they are much older and highly experienced,,,,.PS they also have, like most reps, the use of a company car....not a car allowance. BTW you can not reasonaily have a rep job with a leased car under your name....we drive too much and the related costs are way too high.....The fleet car use is less costly unless you are a high risk driver.

Smart companies hire people who doctors can relate to....and people who actually work the long hours the job (if properly done) requires....PS....that does not mean a airheads or ditzy cheerleader,,,,

Wise up..

This is true. During my tenure at Lilly my DM only hired younger individuals in their 20's. I was the last "older person" to be hired and I'm only 38. The 5 people after me were all in the low 20's. I noticed the same trend with surrounding districts too. It's really not fare (please spare me the life isn't fare speach).

Each time there was an open position on my team I reached out to my DM and gave him some solid references, but nope, he went with the 22 year old every time. I'm worried what happens when I'm 45 or 50 or 55 or 60. There's no way a pharmaceutical will hire me over some 22 year old that was captain of the cheerleading squad in college or some football star. Ugh

Many over 35 think they should be paid more for their out-dated experiences, but the opposite is true. Those who are WOKE have broken out of the zombied state of the past. They think clearer, faster and are much more innovative. The old skin must be shed so that the new skin can rise to the top.

Are the assessments still being used?

What is the story here with the assessments. Used to be every 6 months you would need a new one on file before you could even apply for a job, Now they dont seem to send them out.. Anybody have an answer?

Many over 35 think they should be paid more for their out-dated experiences, but the opposite is true. Those who are WOKE have broken out of the zombied state of the past. They think clearer, faster and are much more innovative. The old skin must be shed so that the new skin can rise to the top.

C.R.O.C.K.....written by a non-industry troll.

mature, professionalism is what most managers want..