Lilly reps and the company need to get more competitve. Stop laying down.


We are the joke of the industry. I am considered a aggressive rep but i get tired of hearing story's about how Novo does this and that, sanofi does this or that. When I sold Cymbalta how forrest did this or that.

Stop getting pushed around, win your offices. Fight fire with fire. Yes we have a corporate climate that seems to not understand how to win, and removes all our ammuniation, then wonder why we are losing market share. However, if you think through your steps before you go in a office, vs simply walking in all ditzy, and gossiping with the staff, and continue to bond, but strategically address all false things being thrown our way, do not let novo or Sanofi move your stuff around, build soldiers in the office for you. Then proactively build a ally in your top prescribers.

Sure Victoza is a one shot a day vs 2. But who can afford it, and if they cant afford it then what good is it gonna do. What mg dosage unit did Novo conduct their test at was it 1.8mg or the 1.2 that most of their patients are on. If so, then what efficacy are those patients getting. I am seeing a lot of Victoza, and they are getting switched back after one script due to cost and due to its not keeping its efficacy. Some times it is actually being more effictive than Byetta in all honesty. However, my doctors are also aware of the long term trial data that Novo has hinted at but does not market the values of it, because it shows a drop in sustained efficacy vs Byetta, and I simply ask them so is the goal short term control or long term. You have 4-5 years with byetta and for those (lets be honest there are side effect issues with some) that do not complain and are having good control keep them on byetta, for those that cant afford victoza byetta, for those that you think will be on a GLP1 for a long time why use a drug that the data only shows short term success, and we are using thier data....

Sure we are going to see growth with victoza we should. Its one shot a day vs two. Do not go int our offices looking like idiots. However stop laying down.

I have an interview with Novo on Tuesday. Careers at Lilly are dead unless you're the CEO.

Couldn't agree more. When I saw the Steve Paul 'retirement' while I was worried to death about my own job I just gave up. This company has the best interests of a select few at the top of its agenda. I am not working to serve these people's wealth, then to get laid off down the line.

Couldn't agree more. When I saw the Steve Paul 'retirement' while I was worried to death about my own job I just gave up. This company has the best interests of a select few at the top of its agenda. I am not working to serve these people's wealth, then to get laid off down the line.

"I was worried to death about my own job I just gave up" --- YOU WERE WORRIED? :) ??? Consider someone who just relocated 1000, 2000, maybe 5000 miles AND just gave up their job? Baldfaced lies are dished out at Lilly like honors and awards are at other companies.

Which is why some of us EARNESTLY try to warn the twenty-somethings about "Lilly Care"....

As long as Indiana is our HQ we will lack top notch talent & winning attitude.

agree 100%. give the corp. center to the city as a homeless shelter if need be.

this place is so feudal and agrarian .... to think that the founder peddled canibus as a cure all and it comes to THIS ... I mean, really, I am so sure.

Open your eyes people

agree 100%. give the corp. center to the city as a homeless shelter if need be.

this place is so feudal and agrarian .... to think that the founder peddled canibus as a cure all and it comes to THIS ... I mean, really, I am so sure.

Open your eyes people

Well! we haven't that spirit here since... 1969, ..... sorry I forgot, 1869!!!!!!!!!! :)

I am soooooooooo hungry

I am getting a little tired of hearing the Cymbalta reps talking about the N S receptor ratio between them and other drugs and having the speaker from Tennessee parrot this information. I am a competitor and don't want to get anyone in trouble so could you guys just stop the off label stuff? Stick to the FDA approved messages and clinicals otherwise everyone will be out of a job. Thanks

We are the joke of the industry. I am considered a aggressive rep but i get tired of hearing story's about how Novo does this and that, sanofi does this or that. When I sold Cymbalta how forrest did this or that.

Stop getting pushed around, win your offices. Fight fire with fire. Yes we have a corporate climate that seems to not understand how to win, and removes all our ammuniation, then wonder why we are losing market share. However, if you think through your steps before you go in a office, vs simply walking in all ditzy, and gossiping with the staff, and continue to bond, but strategically address all false things being thrown our way, do not let novo or Sanofi move your stuff around, build soldiers in the office for you. Then proactively build a ally in your top prescribers.

Sure Victoza is a one shot a day vs 2. But who can afford it, and if they cant afford it then what good is it gonna do. What mg dosage unit did Novo conduct their test at was it 1.8mg or the 1.2 that most of their patients are on. If so, then what efficacy are those patients getting. I am seeing a lot of Victoza, and they are getting switched back after one script due to cost and due to its not keeping its efficacy. Some times it is actually being more effictive than Byetta in all honesty. However, my doctors are also aware of the long term trial data that Novo has hinted at but does not market the values of it, because it shows a drop in sustained efficacy vs Byetta, and I simply ask them so is the goal short term control or long term. You have 4-5 years with byetta and for those (lets be honest there are side effect issues with some) that do not complain and are having good control keep them on byetta, for those that cant afford victoza byetta, for those that you think will be on a GLP1 for a long time why use a drug that the data only shows short term success, and we are using thier data....

Sure we are going to see growth with victoza we should. Its one shot a day vs two. Do not go int our offices looking like idiots. However stop laying down.

jcl says relax

agree 100%. give the corp. center to the city as a homeless shelter if need be.

this place is so feudal and agrarian .... to think that the founder peddled canibus as a cure all and it comes to THIS ... I mean, really, I am so sure.

Chief Felon Officer and archmaggot JCL was heard echoing in the marbled halls of bldg 75: " It's amazing what happens when you drive thru the trailer park that is In'dan'aplis with a $10 million bill taped to your couldn't get more Appalachian if you tried!"

Re: jcl says relax

Chief Felon Officer and archmaggot JCL was heard echoing in the marbled halls of bldg 75: " It's amazing what happens when you drive thru the trailer park that is In'dan'aplis with a $10 million bill taped to your couldn't get more Appalachian if you tried!"

This here's how we cut the grass in our chateau-on-wheels park

And you are expecting to have a "career" at a pharma company somewhere else? It is amazing the level of delusion that some people have about this ridiculous job.....

You're delusional if you think Lilly's leadership team has the competence to adapt to the new world order of Pharma. Lilly is far behind most everyone else, and it's solely due to the fact that it has the most incompetent leadership team that Pharma has to offer. There are other Pharmas that will weather this storm, but not Lilly.

You're delusional if you think Lilly's leadership team has the competence to adapt to the new world order of Pharma. Lilly is far behind most everyone else, and it's solely due to the fact that it has the most incompetent leadership team that Pharma has to offer. There are other Pharmas that will weather this storm, but not Lilly.

Well said.

Well said indeed. As far as research goes... Bill Chin, and Steve Paul were abject failures. Before the were thrown overboard, they were given large golden parachutes. Which is a failure of THEIR bosses. These men are responsible (directly) for the pipeline as it stands today. The failure goes deep into the top ranks. (How much was Sidney given when he left? $40M?) Total, total failure. And it paid them all. 5000 people are loosing their jobs to pay these men.

You're delusional if you think Lilly's leadership team has the competence to adapt to the new world order of Pharma. Lilly is far behind most everyone else, and it's solely due to the fact that it has the most incompetent leadership team that Pharma has to offer. There are other Pharmas that will weather this storm, but not Lilly.

For the record shitbag, I don't think that any pharma company's "leadershit" team has any competence. My point is that the Sales/Marketing arm of this industry (from a human capital standpoint) is dead as a fucking door-nail, and anyone who thinks that there is some sort of "career" in this end of the business is a fucking idiot.

For the record shitbag, I don't think that any pharma company's "leadershit" team has any competence. My point is that the Sales/Marketing arm of this industry (from a human capital standpoint) is dead as a fucking door-nail, and anyone who thinks that there is some sort of "career" in this end of the business is a fucking idiot.

The Chicken Littles of the Sales/Marketing industry have been predicting the end of our world for at least the past 60 years. The wheat in our industry will continue to prosper while the chaff, like you, burns up in the heat. Go find something you're good at and leave the Sales and Marketing business to the professionals. There's no room for a momma's boy in this business.

The Chicken Littles of the Sales/Marketing industry have been predicting the end of our world for at least the past 60 years. The wheat in our industry will continue to prosper while the chaff, like you, burns up in the heat. Go find something you're good at and leave the Sales and Marketing business to the professionals. There's no room for a momma's boy in this business.

Excellent post!