Lilly program will send 200 to aid developing nations

" I am RobberBaron of FIPNet, John The Sloth, and I come bearing lifesaving medicines like FIAU and Oraflex...we need cost effective populations with these miracles..."

It's a snow job to deflect the reality of Indy becoming a ghost down thanks to "Lillys"

Anyone that reads IndyStar rag is really deceiving themselves. Anyone who actually pays for it is making way too much money.

you can pick old copies at the marsh on 116th in carmel and read it.

Oh great, that is only a two mile walk from my overpriced house, which is for sale due to the impending implosion at Lilly. Come October, it had better be sold. I can move the wife and kids into the "donut" hole for storage until the end of my reallocation.

Didn't CIA sent helpful employees to Libya, even though Libya did not invite. Outcome of 200 esteemed Lilly evangelists will be unwanted pregnancies, and some sick people. These missionaries without charity in mind are same as those who got blessings of spanish queen. To read in the frame of NWO, this is first phase of massive brain washing by use of olden days eroine and coca did, now we have neurotransmitter blockers. Perverted ideas of John Lechleiter at best.

Didn't CIA sent helpful employees to Libya, even though Libya did not invite. Outcome of 200 esteemed Lilly evangelists will be unwanted pregnancies, and some sick people. These missionaries without charity in mind are same as those who got blessings of spanish queen. To read in the frame of NWO, this is first phase of massive brain washing by use of olden days eroine and coca did, now we have neurotransmitter blockers. Perverted ideas of John Lechleiter at best.

Interesting conspiracy theory. Of course, the company merely is trying to kick-start an effort to catch up with the Glaxo's and Sanofi's which, thanks to their farsightedness, are many many years ahead of the Old Colonel Sanders.

In newer days, it's tobacco, alcohol, and then, then Christianity to convince them that they are all wretched heathens and they should quit their bad habits and give their money to the Lord, p.o. box Salt Lake City.

Yes, very smart. Not only do you reallocate those individuals, but you get a big tax-write off to get rid of your HR problems. Now that's an answer that matters.

They do get free One Way tickets to a third world country (nowhere) to live in a shack and catch a third world disease and die. It's a POC for a replacement for reallocations. It's a much cheaper alternative to giving people severance pay and maybe pension. Plus they hope get some good press out it. Calling them ambassadors sounds much better than reallocated garbage.

************ TAX SCAM *****************

Will Lilly claim these personnelles not part of Eli Lilly USA, but Lilly International, SpA. or like foreign national? Is lilly short changing the Uncle Sam on paying taxes due on 200 employees? Will they grow from 200 to 5000 employees and scam Indiana and the Uncle Sam, and not to forget the DT Indy? I think so...fuck JCl...will you ?

They do get free One Way tickets to a third world country (nowhere) to live in a shack and catch a third world disease and die. It's a POC for a replacement for reallocations. It's a much cheaper alternative to giving people severance pay and maybe pension. Plus they hope get some good press out it. Calling them ambassadors sounds much better than reallocated garbage.

NOt only those who might be considered 'expendable' are being sent on these boondoggle adventures. I am working on a discovery project that is supposedly a prioroity for upper management, yet a key member of our team was allowed to waste 2 weeks of time on this crap. It indicates to me they (management) don't even care what gets done and are just doing the metaphorical 'rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking ship' in LRL these days. But of course our Pipelie is the best in the Company's history

NOt only those who might be considered 'expendable' are being sent on these boondoggle adventures. I am working on a discovery project that is supposedly a prioroity for upper management, yet a key member of our team was allowed to waste 2 weeks of time on this crap. It indicates to me they (management) don't even care what gets done and are just doing the metaphorical 'rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking ship' in LRL these days. But of course our Pipelie is the best in the Company's history

Pipeline...that's what jc Leechlicker likes to ride in the REVERSE APPALACHIAN MIKLKMAID position...