Lilly licenses Xigris rights to new biotech firm

Anything to increase the dividend one more time. A corporation with balls, like GE, knows when to cut the div, and spend their way out of the doldrums. Some folks just never learn.

Learn to spend some time in the actual field with the motherfuckers that use the damn drug and you will soon know. Dipshit. What a stupid fucking comment.

You Fûcking have no idea! Do you? Shïthole! Are you on the project, have worked on it? Knowing one or two patients means nothing on overall stats. Re-read what I said. Assholes like you are the reasons the company is in trouble. Tell the REAL truth. And by the way, you are born acephalic...this was taken from SNL..."Really? "

You Fûcking have no idea! Do you? Shïthole! Are you on the project, have worked on it? Knowing one or two patients means nothing on overall stats. Re-read what I said. Assholes like you are the reasons the company is in trouble. Tell the REAL truth. And by the way, you are born acephalic...this was taken from SNL..."Really? "

I launched the drug, fucknut, so you can stick that noise up your ass. Damn good thing they don't let you shitbag data-monkeys out of the cage too often. There are hundreds of people walking around alive today because of Xigris, and that is a fucking fact. No, the drug did not live up to expectations, but that is life sometimes. Yes, the data was not done flawlessly. But to denigrate the entire product because of that is just the mark of a fucking imbecile.

Get back to your cubicle, turd.

Just like the big molecules we'll get from the IMCLONE aquisition .. if you want to make some real money, make some EPO

Imclone? IMCLONE....OH, you mean the " Unexpected, One-Time Event Diluting Earnings This One Time, Much To Our Complete Surprise...Quite Unexpectedly. The Asset Impairment, Non-GAAP Reportable Event-Thing..." In a Lower Manhattan Luxury High-Rise Lab, no less!

Lilly forms Biocritica with Mark Williams at the helm as CMO..I true anencephalic liar and cheat. what will he do without Bill Macias's teat to suck on and tell him what to do. This will be the final nail in Xigris's coffin. A wonderful lifesaving drug completely mismanaged

Lilly forms Biocritica with Mark Williams at the helm as CMO..I true anencephalic liar and cheat. what will he do without Bill Macias's teat to suck on and tell him what to do. This will be the final nail in Xigris's coffin. A wonderful lifesaving drug completely mismanaged

Is Tom Williams, who is running the sales show over at Inventiv for Xigris, going to be heading up this little adventure as well? For that matter, are the Inventiv people going to be involved at all?