Lilly cares…or not


I was starting to think maybe the mandate wasn’t an awful idea and they actually did care. Then we got the email to stay in the field no matter what. Raging cases in many states, reps with their own health conditions, those currently unvaccinated, those exposed daily….just keep selling. Not just stay, but see tons of customers too even when you have almost no access. Yeah…..

I was starting to think maybe the mandate wasn’t an awful idea and they actually did care. Then we got the email to stay in the field no matter what. Raging cases in many states, reps with their own health conditions, those currently unvaccinated, those exposed daily….just keep selling. Not just stay, but see tons of customers too even when you have almost no access. Yeah…..

How many of the leaders pushing down these decisions have actually owned a territory recently if at all? Most sit in their private enclave at LTC and listen to their cronies telling them exactly what they want to hear.

I was starting to think maybe the mandate wasn’t an awful idea and they actually did care. Then we got the email to stay in the field no matter what. Raging cases in many states, reps with their own health conditions, those currently unvaccinated, those exposed daily….just keep selling. Not just stay, but see tons of customers too even when you have almost no access. Yeah…..
Don’t forget about the out of touch quotas for Q3, which includes all prescribers, set before the TOV debacle, and they take away our ability to reach most of them by not being able to do virtual lunches, but NOT adjust our quotas?? Shameful and not smart business. In the meantime our competition is doing virtuals as much as possible and eating our lunch. One would think the company would want us to see our customers and sell their products.