Lilly Care Line


Has been telling me that they have not receieved an update from the hiring manager as of yet. Interviews were two weeks ago. Would Lilly Care have an update if Background check requests have gone out to people yet? Interviewing with Lilly is stressful!

So you haven't received a background check form to fill out?... If you have, that takes two weeks ish... if you haven't and your interview was two weeks ago, then they are probably not moving forward with you, however, if the training for the division that you are applying for is not till May or June, then you will have to play the sit and wait game.

Correct, no background check request has been sent to me as of yet. I've spoken to Lilly Care twice and both times they have said they have no update from the hiring manager. So I'd assume that the background check request comes from Lilly and not directly from the hiring manager which in turn would update the records? Just guessing.

Not sure when training would start. It was communicated that they weren't super rushed in the hiring process but also said I would hear within 5 days either way.

So at this point, I'm not sure what to think, 2 weeks probably means that a thanks but no thanks email is heading my way.

That's what I was thinking as well. As far as Lilly telling me the DSM hasn't updated them since interviews is true or not.........I guess I don't know. Play the waiting game I guess. Thanks for the input.

Lilly Cares is frustrating! I completed my consumer release form last Friday and called Verifications this morning and they told me it was completed yesterday. I then called Lilly Cares and they told me that the hiring managers have not made any decisions yet. Why would they bother to run a background check on me with no intention of an offer. I asked for a time frame of when I may hear something and they didn't have any idea or least didn't communicate anything to me. Any thoughts on this?

I sent in the background check 2 weeks ago- because I was told I was moving forward after the f2f. Just got an email a few hours ago that I did not get the position. I agree with the person earlier- why would they do that background check if they were not intending on an offer? My background is squeaky clean- so is my driving record- so is my credit score. I called the care line and they said I am still active in their system. I asked if it was possible that I just found out before they updated it in their system- and they said it was. I'm still going to call tomorrow and make sure- but I'm pretty sure its over.

So you received a consumer release form and lilly care still tells you no decisions have been made?

So maybe, in my case, background check requests have gone out already.

I'm sure they wait until someone accepts an offer to send the rejection emails.

Since it's been almost 2 weeks, I'm sure I'm done.

What's the longest amount of time after a F2F that someone has received a background check request? I know they usually go out fairly quickly after the F2F.

Well from the time I received the consumer release form to the time I got my offer was one month. The background check took 2 + weeks, I know they called my current employer, previous employer and a reference. I know they called my university for a behavioral reporting along with grades/gpa verification, and I ordered a copy of my backgorund check so I was able to see the rest. I had a contact person, which I contacted muiltple times. The offer comes in an email form, I got a phone call as well 10 minutes after. Id suggest calling and inquiring, which is what I did. Keep checking your email too! Good luck!

Hey there again..
I would not completely give up, assuming that training cycles are 2 maybe even 3 months apart. If the DSM that you had the F2F didn't meet the deadline for training then it might take a while for them to reach out to you for an offer or next step after the bg check..
I wish you the best of luck

Did the panel "Consent" you... If they said/did that, then you have nothing to worry about, they are just waiting for the training cycle to start...I would assume. If they didn't "consent" you then that is another story that I can't shed a lot of light on.

I was offered a position in the brand new Generic Zyprexa division. Anyone else? This involves a lot of visits to old folks' (well to be exact, "Advanced Customer") homes. Supposedly this is a $500 million annually revenue source for the company.

I was offered a position in the brand new Generic Zyprexa division. Anyone else? This involves a lot of visits to old folks' (well to be exact, "Advanced Customer") homes. Supposedly this is a $500 million annually revenue source for the company.

I was offered a position in the newly-formed Zyprexa Pediatric Division. The ZyprexAfier pacifier is flying out of pharmacies like hotcakes!

I was offered a position in the newly-formed Zyprexa Pediatric Division. The ZyprexAfier pacifier is flying out of pharmacies like hotcakes!

Oh sure. They are also making a once-monthly dosage (shhhhh...) form. This is going to to reflect upon the CEO very well, they say. They told me he was already given a large bonus in advance, that is how confident they are. They said that I would also be given large incentives for marketing this miracle drug for innovative uses.

Oh sure. They are also making a once-monthly dosage (shhhhh...) form. This is going to to reflect upon the CEO very well, they say. They told me he was already given a large bonus in advance, that is how confident they are. They said that I would also be given large incentives for marketing this miracle drug for innovative uses.

The opportunities are endless. Zyprexa patches, Zyprexa suppositories, Zyprexa inhalers, Zyprexa Weekly. And, recalling past successes, a la Keflex, how about Zyprexalet and Zyprexatab. And others such as Zyprexa EC (enteric coated), Zyprexa Melts, Zyprexa Elixir, Zyprexa oral suspension, and lastly, Zyprexa vaginal cream. Well maybe not about Zyprexa with Codeine syrup for bi-polars who have concomitant cough.

Did the panel "Consent" you... If they said/did that, then you have nothing to worry about, they are just waiting for the training cycle to start...I would assume. If they didn't "consent" you then that is another story that I can't shed a lot of light on.

I closed the interview and was told that they thought I would be a perfect fit for the position but there are still a few more interviews left. They also brought up that a lack of pharma experience wasn't an issue to them and they felt I could learn the job just fine. But, then again, I was told that I would hear somethign within 5 days.

So my thoughts are that they sent the consent form to someone else and are waiting for their background check to come back before sending rejection letters. Does this sound about right?